Media mastery
For designers, photographers, and creative professionals from every industry:
Now there’s virtually no limit to the types of printed materials you can create thanks
to the Phaser 7800 colour printer’s incredible media handling capabilities. From
customer-ready brochures and sales proposals, to posters, banners, booklets and
business cards, no other device in its class prints such amazing colour quality on the
widest range of media weights and sizes. Take advantage of weights from 75 to
350 gsm, and sizes from 88 x 99 mm to 320 x 1,219 mm, and let your creative
inspiration take over.
Media Weight Capabilities
Single-sided printing
Automatic two-sided printing
Automatic two-sided printing with
optional Extra Heavy Duty Media Kit
75 gsm
256 gsm
300 gsm
350 gsm
However you
measure your
paper weight,
the Phaser 7800
can print on it.
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