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Easy-to-use driver
The Phaser 6300 printer’s visual graphics interface is easy to navigate and helps the user
get the print right the first time.
The HP LaserJet 3000 print driver has its most commonly used features on separate screens,
making it is more time-consuming and less intuitive.
Front display panel eliminates guesswork
The Phaser 6300’s front panel display is larger and
shows more helpful information, including animated
graphics to aid in maintenance.
The HP LaserJet 3000’s front panel is smaller,
provides less information at-a-glance, and requires
more button pushing to find what you need.
Xerox PrintingScout
The Phaser 6300’s proactive PrintingScout provides instant, detailed, and
graphical on-screen alerts with instructions on what to do. Advantages
include productivity gains plus reduction in support requests to the help desk.
HP does not currently offer automated status and self help tools.
Phaser 6300’s driver
Easy to understand
instructions get
users printing fast
LaserJet 3000’s driver
Xerox PrintingScout
Competitive Comparison
Phaser 6300
HP LaserJet 3000
Phaser 6300
HP LaserJet 3000
Monochrome e-mail (1 page)
9 seconds
13 seconds
Excel spreadsheet (1 page)
10 seconds
19 seconds
Real estate PDF (2 pages)
12 seconds
23 seconds
Magazine cover
19 seconds
45 seconds
PowerPoint presentation on paper (8 pages)
30 seconds
44 seconds
Complex multilayered file
58 seconds
Note: All pages printed in default print mode on letter-size media.
Other Xerox Phaser 6300
Six-line display
complete with
Limited two-line
display with no
Real-world performance
The Phaser 6300 has a dramatic performance advantage over HP’s LaserJet 3000 in both
specifications and (more importantly) real-world performance.