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Document Centre Technical Support Operations
PostScript Feature Dependencies/Caveats
All %% commands (DSC comments) must be in the first 4096 bytes of the job.
When using duplicate commands, the last command takes precedence. Since the
setpagedevice commands are normally after the %% commands (DSC comments), the
setpagedevice normally takes precedence.
The Document Centre supports PostScript resolutions up to and including 1800 x 1800.
Some PostScript jobs may not print if you use this resolution. If printing stops, reprint the
same job at a lower resolution.
Do not duplex or staple any job with media sizes A6, B6, 5 x 7" Postcard (4.5 x 6"),
envelopes or any custom sized media where the page width is less than 5.5". A request
to duplex or staple these media sizes is ignored.
Do not duplex any job with transparencies, labels, envelopes or tab-stock. The duplex
print request is ignored when it includes any of these media types.
To use the duplex front and back imaged covers option most effectively, remember
these items when you prepare the contents of the print file:
The Document Centre uses the contents of the first two and last two pages of the file
as the front cover, inside front cover, back cover, and inside back cover.
The remaining pages print on the document body media type and color.
If a print file contains an odd number of pages, the Document Centre leaves the last
body page (that is, the page adjacent to the inside back cover) blank.
When using the Blank Front or the Blank Front and Back Cover command, the Cover
Media Size command is optional. If the Cover Media Size command is not in the PDL,
the printer uses the media size from the document body.
Use one of the following methods to specify media selection:
Describe the media size, color, and type and allow the device to select the correct
source tray. If you describe the media, leave source tray information out of the
request or set to Auto. Otherwise, the tray selection defeats the auto tray selection
capabilities of the device.
Indicate the media feed tray the device should use. In doing so, you allow the device
to select media feed trays based on the paper defined by SYSTEM DEFAULT,
unless specified otherwise. This method prevents inadvertent use of special paper
types. To override a paper type definition, include a paper type specification of
UNSPECIFIED in the job.