D O C U C O L O R 2 4 0 / 2 5 0 E VA L U AT O R G U I D E
Check for color matching capabilities
In color critical environments, it’s vital that the color you expect is the color you get. Make sure your
device comes with advanced color management and profiling options that enable you to emulate different
output devices and control color output. This way you can be sure your printouts come out just how you
imagined, at every stage in the process.
Include a variety of elements in your test pages
Try color graphics, photo images, adjacent primary colors, large areas of solid color, color blends and
gradients and text in various typefaces, sizes and colors.
Xerox gives you advanced color management tools and profiling options. You can create your own profiles
that allow you to proof your documents to other engines, such as a printing press, web pages, a copier
or a digital press. This way you can optimize the color output (e.g. saturated, cooler, warmer) at every
step and eliminate surprises in the production phase.
With the addition of the Splash RPX-i workflow software you can get the professional color manage-
ment tools (e.g., ColorTuner, Color Spot Editor and CMYK Color Profiles) to manage the most demand-
ing color matching job. The Splash legacy is one that benefits the color printing professional. Splash
workflow software takes the color image quality of the DocuColor 240/250 to new levels.
When your document includes mixed elements such as graphics, text and photos, Xerox automatically
color corrects each graphic element on the page. This ensures you get the sharpest text, brightest
colors and the life-like images contained in your original file.
Evaluating Color Laser Printer-Copiers