General Troubleshooting
This section contains procedures to help you locate and resolve problems. Resolve some problems by
simply restarting the printer.
RReessttaarrttiinngg tthhee PPrriinntteerr
To restart the printer, refer to
Powering the Printer On or Off
If restarting the printer does not resolve the problem, refer to
Printer Resets or Powers Off Frequently
PPrriinntteerr FFaaiillss ttoo PPoow
weerr O
Probable Causes
The printer is not powered on.
Power on the printer. For details, refer to
The power cord is not plugged into the
outlet correctly.
Verify that the printer is powered down, then plug in the
power cord securely into the outlet. For details, refer to
Powering the Printer On or Off
Something is wrong with the outlet
connected to the printer.
• Plug in a different electrical appliance into the outlet, then
verify that the appliance operates properly.
• Try a different outlet.
The printer is connected to an outlet with a
voltage or frequency that does not match
the printer specifications.
Use a power source within the specifications for the printer.
For details, refer to
Powering the Printer On or Off
Plug in the three-wire cord with grounding prong directly into a grounded AC outlet.
PPrriinntteerr RReesseettss oorr PPoow
weerrss O
Offff FFrreeqquueennttllyy
Probable Causes
The power cord is not plugged into the outlet
Power off the printer. Before powering on the printer,
confirm that the power cord is plugged in correctly to
the printer and the outlet.
A system error occurred.
Power off the printer, then power it on again. If the
error persists, contact your Xerox
B1022 Multifunction Printer
User Guide