1. Install the latest software
2. Upgrade Chassis Firmware
To ensure you have the latest version, please visit this URL:
The release is distributed as a standard Windows Installer
executable file named L23XenaRelease-<releasenumber>.
msi where <releasenumber> is the unique release number
assigned to the release.
You should download this file to a temporary location on
your PC.
Once you execute the downloaded release installer you will be greeted
with the license display shown below. You need to check the “I accept
...” license option before you can continue.
To install the software using the default options simply press the Install
button. If you want to adjust the installer options you can instead press
the Advanced button.
Once the installer completes it will offer to launch the ChassisUpgrader
which can update all your Xena Layer 2-3 test chassis to the
new release. (Please see
for more information about
how to perform chassis firmware upgrades.)
Note: The ChassisUpgrader will check if your hardware and software
licenses are still valid.