lnstructions for building in a bio ethanol burner
• The recess for the burner should be made of a heat resistant material, special profiles are available for
situations where used material does not meet this requirement.
• Make sure the material used on top, back- and sidewalls of the burner is heat resistant.
• Keep a safe distance of at least 400 mm above the bio ethanol burner and minimal 50 mm on the sides.
• In case a television is placed directly above the burner, we recommend a safety distance of at least 800 mm
Always ask your T
supplier wether your T
is suitable for hanging above a fireplace.
• After the bio ethanol burner is placed in the recess make sure the bio ethanol burner is levelled.
! 1
Quick trouble shooter
possible cause
formation of soot
ONLYuse Xaralyn CLlO0
formation of soot
lire-opening is covered with
make sure the fire opening is free of
decoration material
decoration material
burning time toa short
wrong fuel (e.g. gel, methylated
ONLYuse Xaralyn CLlO0
burning time toa short
burner has not been filled
extinguish the burner. Let it cool down for
at least 30 minutes and then refill
flames toa high
wrong fuel (e.g. gel, methylated
ONLYuse Xaralyn CLl00
spirit) or draught
prevent draught
flames toa low, not
burner has not been filled
extinguish the burner. Let it cool down for
at least 30 minutes and then refill
flames toa low, not
fuel is almost used up
extinguish the burner. Let it cool down for
at least 30 minutes and then refill
flames do not disappear occurs with larger burner when
open the latch and quickly close it again to
after the latch has been it is in the middle of the burning
refrain the oxygen supply.
time. Ethanoldamp then seeks a
This can also easily be blown out
way out.
Please visit our website for more extensive problem solving.
The warranty on this product is 30 years. Any change and/or alteration to the insert, surface or burner is
unacceptable and will cause the warranty to expire.
Xaralyn reserves the right to make any technica! alterations in order to improve the characteristics and/or
safety of the product. Xaralyn cannot be held responsible for possible damages or personal injuries caused by
misuse or incompetent use of the bio ethanol burner.
Xaralyn thanks you for the confidence in our product and wishes you many years of enjoyment with
your purchase.