Model RS232IR
Page 5
© 2002 Xantech Corporation.
Before starting this section, palettes created in other versions of Dragon Drop-IR can be Copied and
Pasted to the PALETTE FOLDER in DRAG460 beta.
1. From the “COMPONENT” menu, click “PALLETTE EDITOR” (F3).
Figure 3 – Brands
Figure 4 - Component
Figure 5 – Palette Editor
2. Locate and Select (single click) the desired BRAND as shown in
Figure 3
(i.e. Sony, Panasonic etc). A list of
Components will appear. (See later sections for adding brands.)
3. Locate and Select (single click) the type of COMPONENT as shown in Figure 4 (DVD, SAT etc) (See later
sections for adding types).
4. The Palette Editor will now be open to the “Brand” & “Component” selected. A list of FUNCTIONS for that
type of component will appear as shown in
Figure 5
. (See later sections for adding functions).
5. Click on the RECORD button in the middle of the Palette Editor. The RECORD button outline will turn red.
Dragon is now ready to learn the IR codes for the specific brand/component selected.
Once in record mode, or any mode in Palette Editor, it is not necessary to select RECORD, or any
other mode again, until leaving that mode.
6. Select the command from the left side of the Palette Editor (i.e. Power, Play, Stop etc.).
7. Hold the component remote about one inch from the PCIR IR Sensor on the front of the PCIR.
8. While continuing to keep the component remote about one-inch from the PCIR, press the corresponding
command button on the component remote. A red asterisk (*) will appear to the left of the selected function
indicating that an IR code has been learned.
If you wait longer than ten seconds, a “NO IR RECORDED” message will appear. Click “OK” and try again.
9. Repeat steps 6 thru 8 for all of the functions to be used for that component.
10. With the PCIR connected to the Connecting Block as shown in
Figure 1
, select “TEST” in the Palette Editor.
The TEST button outline will turn red.
a) Click on each of the command names , one-by-one, that are to be tested. A red dot will flash just to the
left of “TEST” as the IR command executes.
b) The controlled component should respond to each command sent.(i.e. “Power” turns the component ON
or OFF, “PLAY” plays the content etc.)
Only functions with an asterisk will execute.
c) If a component does not respond to a command, re-learn and re-test the IR command until the
component responds.
Creating Palettes
1. After Dragon has learned the commands for that Component, select “ADD>>”. The ADD button outline will
turn red.
2. Click on a function (i.e. PLAY) to be added to the palette. A window “NEW PALETTE” will open. Type in a file
name i.e. PIONEERCD and click “SAVE”.
3. “PLAY” will appear in the PIONEERCD.pal window with a red asterisk.
4. Click on all functions to be added to PIONEERCD.PAL
5. Click the “CLOSE” button on Palette Editor. Palette Editor will close. PIONEERCD.PAL will be saved to the
hard drive.