XJ128 and XJ128 Plus Printhead
XJ128 Guide to Operation
Xaar Document no: D031010302 Version A
Page 12
3.1.4 Cover
A plastic cover to protect the actuator and electronic circuitry, including ink filter and internal ink path.
The cover must not be removed or tampered with. Any attempt to do so will invalidate the printhead
3.1.5 Coloured insulator
The coloured insulator indicates the model of the printhead, for example XJ128/200, XJ128/360 or
XJ128/200 Plus. The colours and associated models are detailed in Table 3.1
3.1.6 Driver chips
The driver chips (not shown in figure 3.1) store and control the information for the
pulses to be
sent to the actuator.
3.1.7 Ink inlets and filter
The XJ128 printhead has a single ink inlet port. The ink inlet is the point at which the ink connection
is made to the printheads. The printhead is fitted with a filter (not shown in figure 3.1) to protect the
actuator and nozzles from contamination. It is made of a 15
µm stainless steel mesh. This is the final
filter acting as a complement to the filter in the ink delivery system. For maximum life, staged filtering
is essential, with the OEM incorporating a primary filter in their design. See section 7 for details.
3.1.8 Nozzle plate
Depending upon the model of the XJ128 printhead, the nozzle plate properties differ. In both cases,
the nozzle plate is the plastic film into which the nozzles are formed. Depending upon the printhead
model used, different ink system and maintenance strategies must be adopted. These are detailed in
sections 7 and 8 of this document. XJ128/200 and XJ128/360
The standard XJ128/200 and XJ128/360 nozzle plate is coated with a special non-wetting coating
(NWC). This helps to keep the nozzle plate clear of ink around the nozzle orifices. XJ128/200 Plus
The XJ128/200 Plus printhead utilises a
nozzle plate
. This means that a thin film of ink is
required on the surface of the nozzle plate at all times to ensure reliable and high quality printing is
3.1.9 Serial number
The printhead serial number is marked on the rear of the printhead as shown in figure 3.1