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The HawkEye and EagleEye Motion Sensors send Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) signals to an X10 Transceiver
(RR501 or TM751). The receiver then passes the signals onto your house wiring to turn on lights, appliances, or
X10 wireless cameras around your home. You plug your lights and appliances into X10 Modules (sold separately).
You can set the Motion Sensor to turn the lights or cameras off after motion stops. You can set this for a preset
time of 1, 2, 4, 8 minutes etc., (see below for more details). The Motion Sensor also works with the CM11A Two-
Way Computer Interface to initiate macros (routines) so you can set up a “coming home” routine which is
initiated by the Motion Sensor as soon as it “sees” you.

Note: The default state is to turn lights or cameras on when the Motion Sensor detects motion

 at all times 


if it’s not dark). But you can also set it to turn lights or cameras on when it detects motion only at night (see other
side of this sheet for more details).


 Remove the screw from the front of the unit (MS14A only). Remove the battery cover and install

two AAA alkaline batteries. Leave the cover off for now. The unit defaults to Housecode A and Unit Code 1,
and it defaults to see motion at all times - day and night, so plug in an X10 RF Transceiver (model RR501 or
TM751, each sold separately) and set it to Housecode A. Plug a lamp into an X10 Lamp Module (sold separately)
and set it to Housecode A and Unit Code 1. Plug the module into any AC outlet.

To test the Motion Sensor:

 Press the 


button once. The Motion Sensor transmits the “device ON” RF

signal and the red light flashes. Press the 


button once. The Motion Sensor transmits the “device OFF” RF

signal and the red light flashes. (The default device setting is A1). Replace the battery cover.

Place the Motion Sensor on a shelf or mount it on a wall at least 6 feet above the ground. Let it settle for a minute
and then walk past it. The lamp connected to any X10 Module set to A1 turns on. The light turns off a short time
later as long as no motion has been detected. The default time is 1 minute but you can change this (see below for
more details). For outdoor use, (MS14A only) remove the batteries, screw the MS14A to a wall and replace the
batteries. Refit the cover and screw.

To change the delay after motion is detected before an OFF code is transmitted:

Press the 


 button once. The red light flashes. Then, (within 3 seconds) press 

and hold



button. The green light turns on. 3 seconds later the red light reports its delay setting as follows:

1 blink for 1 minute. 2 blinks for 2 minutes. 3 blinks for 4 minutes. 4 blinks for 8 minutes. 5 blinks for 16 minutes. 6
blinks for 32 minutes. 7 blinks for 64 minutes. 8 blinks for 128 minutes. 9 blinks for 256 minutes.

To change this, Press the 


 button once. The red light flashes. Then, (within 3 seconds) press 

and hold



 button. The green light turns on. 3 seconds later the red light reports its delay setting, as listed above.

Release and immediately press the 


button the number of times for the delay you want, as listed above.

Hold the button pressed for 3 seconds on the last press. 

The red light then reports the setting with the

appropriate number of blinks as above. Release the button.

To change the Unit Code that the Motion Sensor transmits:

Press and hold the 


 button (under the battery compartment lid) the red light flashes first and then blinks

the current setting. Release and immediately press the button the desired number of times for the Unit Code you
want to set.

 Hold the button for 3 seconds on the last press. 

The red light blinks back the number of times

for the code you set. Release the button.

To change the House Code that the Motion Sensor transmits:

Press and hold the 


 button (under the battery compartment lid) the red light flashes first and then blinks

the current setting (once for A, twice for B, etc.). Release and immediately press the button the desired number
of times for the House Code you want to set (once for A, twice for B, etc.). 

Hold the button for 3 seconds on

the last press.

 The red light blinks back the number of times for the code you set. Release the button.

Set-Up and Operating Instructions for X10 Motion Sensors

HawkEye, Model MS13A (Indoor) and EagleEye, MS14A (Indoor/Outdoor)

MS13A/MS14A-4/02. 1 of 2
