You’ll want to install the Amazon Android Appstore so you can
download FREE Apps, and purchase other ones. Note you will fi rst
need to go to amazon.com and set up a free account if you don’t
already have one.
1. On your Home screen, touch on the Settings icon.
2. Touch Applications, (you might need to touch the back icon to
see the correct screen).
3. If unchecked, click Unknown sources. If Unknown sources is
already checked, skip to step 5.
4. Click OK on the Attention dialog box. Unknown sources will
now have a green check mark. Press the Home icon.
5. Open your Browser and type in www.amazon.com/app-email
The Amazon Android Appstore app will download to your
AirPadX. You’ll notice the download arrow
in the left
corner of your notifi cations bar near the Back icon.
6. Touch and pull down your notifi cations bar at the top of the
screen and touch Amazon_Appstore-release.apk (see note
7. Touch the INSTALL button.
8. After the installation fi nishes, touch the OPEN button and sign
into your Amazon account. Below shows the Appstore.
Installing Apps
Your AirPadX makes an excellent e-book reader. You can
download and install FREE readers from the Amazon Android
Appstore, including the popular Kindle.
How to install a typical App from Amazon Android Appstore
We will use the Kindle App as an example. These basic procedures
work for other Apps too.
1. On your Home screen, touch this icon
on the right hand
side of the screen to access the main Apps screen.
2. Touch the Amazon Android Appstore icon.
The screen shown at the bottom of page 10 is displayed.
3. In the Search Market box, type: KINDLE. As you type, various
matches will be displayed. When you see KINDLE FOR
ANDROID TABLET displayed, touch it.
Installing Apps, cont.
4. Touch the
Kindle for Android
5. Touch Install (FREE). Then touch OK. The status bar will
show the App being downloaded and installed. Then “Kindle
successfully installed” will be displayed.
6. Touch the Home icon or hard key to exit back to your Home
7. Touch the Amazon Kindle icon on the main Apps screen to
launch Kindle.
Note, this might say Amazon_Appstore-release-x.apk (where x is
a number).