Setting Up Timers
There are a number of options in the Timer Designer, but you only have to
use the ones you need.
On and Off Times
When you first create a timer, the On Time will be set to the current time,
and the off time will be set to 30 minutes later.
Use the arrows to select a new time (in 5 minute increments), or type the
new time in directly. A timer doesn’t have to have both an On and an Off
time. You can make a timer to only turn something on by unchecking the
box next to the Off Time. Likewise, you can uncheck the “On Time” box
and only use the timer to turn a light off.
Active Dates
ActiveHome Pro timers are active throughout the year by default, but you
can set your timers to operate only between certain dates. Use the arrows to
scroll through dates, or type the month and day in directly.
Scheduling events for specific times and dates is one of the most powerful
features in ActiveHome Pro. Each module or Macro in your system can
have multiple timers for different times of day, days of the week, and dates
during the year. You can schedule events around sunrise and sunset, and
even make it so that your events don’t happen at the exact same times each
Opening the Timer Designer
You create timers for your modules in the Timer Designer pane. To
open the Timer Designer, you can click on the clock face icon on a
module in the Room View.
You can also access the Timer Designer using the Timers section of
Tree Pane.
Creating a New Timer
When the Timer Designer first opens, you’ll need to create a timer.
Click the New button to add a timer to the list. This will open up the
timer controls, and add a new line describing the timer to the text list.