Section 5:
Assembling wings and missile rails
Step 1.
Remove wings from protective plastic and in
spect ailerons for good operation.
Step 2.
Trim aileron root for at least 30mm up and
down movement.
Step 3.
Fit wing to fuselage to check correct operation
of aileron. If not , trim aileron.
Step 4.
Secure servo to wing! Use 1pr alluminium L-
brackets. (
make sure servo was mechanically
and electronically centred
Step 5.
Draw a line perpendicular across hinge line and
mark location for aileron horn. Mill hole and
epoxy horn in position.
Step 6.
Attach pushrod to servo and aileron horn.
Step 7.
Check operation of aileron.
Step 8.
Cut hole in servo cover and secure cover.
Step 9
. Secure missile rail by means of cap skrew.
Step 10.
Repeat for other wing!
This complete this section!
Items Required:
1. Fuselage 2.Wings (L&R)
3. JR8911 servo (2) 4.Pushrod set
5. Missile rails 6.Epoxy
7. Drill set 8.Masking tape
Make use of live hinging for easy and fast installation.
Kevlar are used for hinging and will give endless good
Make sure servo and pushrod installation are done cor-
rectly! No mechanical slop may be present.
The two servo’s in the wing must be a mirror image of
each other. All pushrods must be of equal length.
The two servo’s will work together as ailerons.