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Video M P3 400 


User Manual 


Содержание XMP3R

Страница 1: ...Video MP3 400 User Manual V1 1 ...

Страница 2: ...1 Table of Contents 1 Overvi ew 2 2 Main Menu 9 3 Turn On Off 10 4 Musi cal File Playback 11 5 Record 26 6 Voice 31 7 FM 39 8 Jpeg Vi ewer 43 9 Setti ngs 45 10 UDISK 51 11 Upgrade 53 12 Noti ce 57 ...

Страница 3: oft he same l evel direct ory z Recognizi ng ofup to 99 recorded fil es in each direct ory z Delet ingeit hersingle orall m usi cal or recorded files in t he current directory of the player z Off Stat us Mem ori zation When turned on the playercan return to t he last off s tatus i ncludi ng the m usi cal file to be played and the recordi ng position z Res um i ng playing The pl ayer can memoriz...

Страница 4: ... o your ears z Graphical operationi nt erface rem ovable disk folder managem ent z Bui lt in microphone hi fi recording short cut st art 35 hours continuous recording 128M Flas h z USB 2 0 Full Speed i nterface with a m ax speed of 1000K Byte S z Powerful expandability online firmware upgrading z Convenient language learni ng feat ures a true di gital repeating device segm ent A B repeating foll o...

Страница 5: ...nterface Swit ching NEXT Move to Right Forward LAST Move t o Lef t Backward VOL Volume Increasing Last Item VOL Volume Decreasing Next Item A B REC Special A B RecordingHot Button EQ When playi ng MP3 musi cal fi les us et his button t o directly change their sound effects wit hout enteri ng t he opti on menus HOLD Lock button Unlock but ton ...

Страница 6: ...en the butt on is pressedt o the ti me when it is releas ed t he butt on is responded at a certain rate for several ti mes Volume Adjustment 1 4 Recording Functi on of theA B Button Except the recorded file playbackand musical file playback i nterface repeat interface upgradi ng interface and U Dis k i nterface the A B button functions as a hot recording button i n all ot her i nterfaces A s hort ...

Страница 7: ...ed fromt op to down z The i temwi th the blue background is t he one currently s elect ed z Press the Mode buttont o select andenter this opti on z A s hort press of the PLAY but ton will quit the menu z But ton Functions oft he Standard Menu z A s hort press or long press of Vol will move the blue background downward step by step till theitemat the bottom then t urn overt o the next s creentill t...

Страница 8: ...ndard s lide bar offers ani nt erface for s elect ing numbers In each functi onal modul e interface the standard sli de bar will be repeatedl y used Its format is as s howni n t he Fig below Brightness Adjust m ent z The s lide bl ock can be m oved to left or ri ght z The number 6 in the Fi gis t he fi gure that corres ponds t ot he posi ti on ofthe sli de block z But ton Function in the Sli de Ba...

Страница 9: played st ep by step till t he min number z A s hort press of MODE wil l f i nish the set ti ng and quit z A s hort press of A B will entert he recordingi nterface and start recordi ng 1 7 Battery Level z There are all t ogether 9 levels for meas uri ng t he battery energy z stands for l ow batt ery stands for full battery ...

Страница 10: ...n the centerand has col ors 2 1 2 Butt on Functi on in t he Mai n Int erface z A s hort press or long press of NEXT will cyclet he s election positiont o right z A s hort press or long press of LAST wi ll cycl et he s election positiont o left z A s hort press of MODE wil l confi rmand enter t his mode A Long pres s will ret urn to the main interface z A s hort press of A B will entert he recordin...

Страница 11: ...fft he pl ayer t he pl ayer will be t urned off aut omaticall y When the USB port oft he player is connected to a PC however t his functi on wil l be overridden 3 2 Turn On A l ong press ofPLAY will turn on the pl ayer 3 3 Low Battery Ift he batt ery is l ow the player will aut omaticall y go into the Stand By m ode In this case do not t urn on the player again ...

Страница 12: ...i ng s top LAST and NEXT 4 1 The Stop Interf ace In t he Stopi nterface thecurrent music st ops at t he current playback posit ion wait ing for the operati ons fromthe user Even if the user turns offt he player it s hould restore to t his stat us to real izet he functi on ofres uming playback Ifyou stop i nt he lyri cs mode please goi ni nt erfaces other than lyrics In t he S t op i nterface you c...

Страница 13: ... name will be dis played here z Celi ne Dion is t he name of thesinger 4 1 1 Button Functi on i n the Stop Interf ace z Long Press of MODE Enteri nt ot he mai n m enu z Short Press of MODE Enteri nt ot he Stop m enu i nterface z Short Press of PLAY Play m usi cal files z Long Press of PLAY Turn the player off z Hold On of NEXT Cycle t ot he next s ongi n the current di rectory and thetime posi tio...

Страница 14: ...nterface z The blues tri p indicat es the enabledicon z Delete This is the nam e oft he current enabled option 4 1 3 The Deleting Interf ace Note Youcan delete a si ngle file or all files i n here The Fil e Sel ection Interface is as s howni nt he Fig below Musi cal File PlaybackInt erface St op Menu Deleting Files File Selection In t his i nterface press MODE to enter int o the Del eting Ways s e...

Страница 15: ...ace Note Youcan select the val id direct ory the direct ory that contains musical f i les here to changet he current playback direct ory When you enteri nto t his interface youare l ocated at t he current directory of thecurrent disk The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow Musi cal File PlaybackInt erface St op Menu Local Fol der Directory Selecti on z Support the long name of di rectory z E...

Страница 16: ...ent directory includi ng the disk is changed t hen you need to reset t he current file as the firs t ot herwise t he f i le and playback positi on will not be changed z A l ong press ofPLAY will turn the player off z A s hort press of PLAY will return to the St op Interface z A s hort press of A B will enteri nt ot he recording funct ion 4 2 Functions in the Playing Interf ace 4 2 1 The Pl ayingi ...

Страница 17: ...rt pl aying In t his case the next s ong is selected based on the current playi ng mode If thecurrent mode is Cycling One then t he next s ongis s elected bas ed on Cycling All z Short Press of LAST Function oppositel yt o NEXT z Hold On of Vol The volum e will increase z Hold On of Vol The vol ume will decrease z Short Press of A B Enter into the Repeat interface and confi rmthe A point One more ...

Страница 18: ...imes for repeati ng Replay gap To s et thei nterval between eachrepeating playi ng Exit R eturn to the Pl aying mode The mus ic is still playi ng The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow The Playi ng Menu ofthe Musical F ile Playback Interface The enabled position is dis pl ayed i n blue background Equalizer is the name of the current enabled posi tion But ton Function in the Playing Menu Int...

Страница 19: ...ect ory Repeat One Repeat playing t he current s ong Fol der The pl ayer will st op if it fi nis hes pl ayi ng t he songs in t he current directory Repeat folder Repeat playi ng t he songs in the directory Repeat All Repeat playi ng thes ongs i n all di rectori es Random Pl ay t he songs in thecurrent di rectory in a random way Int ro Playt he beginni ng 10seconds ofall thes ongs i nt he current d...

Страница 20: ... Natural Defaul t Rock Pop Cl ass ic Soft Jazz DBB 4 2 6 RepeatI nterface Note Youcan perform manual or auto repeat in here The repeat t ype you use is s et in the Settings The Replay Times and Replay gapare set in the Playi ng menu interface The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow Musical F i le Playback Playing AB Repeat Manual Repeat Operati on ...

Страница 21: ...ation is 1second A s hort press ofLASTwi ll ret urnt o the Repeat funct ion A s hort press ofNEXT wi ll enter t he cycl e of Repeat Compare The Co mpare functi on refers to play t he s ound recordedi n the Follow function A s hort press ofLASTwi ll ret urnt o Follow Repeat A s hort press ofNEXT wi ll begi nt he s ettings for t he next Repeat Note In the steps above hold on of Vol or Vol will chang...

Страница 22: ...e Setti ng Repeat funct ion A s hort press ofNEXT wi ll enter t he cycl e of Repeat Foll ow Fort he foll ow ADPCM is adoptedt o record s ound The recordi ng durati on is 10 l onger than the repeat The m i ni m umrecording duration is 1second A s hort press ofLASTwi ll ret urnt o the Repeat funct ion A s hort press ofNEXT wi ll enter t he cycl e of Repeat Compare The Co mpare functi on refers to pl...

Страница 23: This will affect the pl aying of m usi cal files i n the MP3 format However t his will not affect the files i n WMA format The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow Musi cal File Playback Tem po Rate But ton Function in the Tem po Rat e Setting Interface The standard slide bar functi on Aut o quit for idli ng for 5 seconds The range ofplayi ng speed 60 200 8 Levels 100 by default 4 2 8 Repl...

Страница 24: 1 to 10seconds The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow Musi cal File Playback R eplay gap But ton Function in the Repl ay gap Interface The standard slide bar functi on Aut o quit for idli ng for 5 seconds 4 3 Lyri cs Show Interface Note When you enteri nt o t he Lyrics Show interface t he current song continue t o play andt he corres ponding lyrics wil l dis play accordingt o the playi n...

Страница 25: characters t he rest charact ers in t he li ne wi ll be dis played in the other part For each part thes ync ti m e tag is calculated by averaging English Songs Similar with Chi nese songs However each part has 3 li nes Each li ne has 14 characters Note that if a new li ne appears i nt he middl e of a word a is requi redt oconnect t he two lines but for a word with onl yt wo charact ers t he who...

Страница 26: ...l be displayed Short Press of NEXT To switcht ot he next s ong Ift he file is not a valid musical file then thet ot al ti me will be di splayedas 00 00 00 Short Press of LAST To swit ch t ot he last song If the file is not a valid musical file then the tot al ti me will be di splayedas 00 00 00 Short Press of Vol Cyclet o the next s creen of t he lyrics This coul d be overlai d by sync l yri cs Sh...

Страница 27: ...di ng wil l be dis played z 05 05 17 i ndicates thes pace available for recording s ound z i ndicates the coding format oft he current recorded fi le i ncluding AG8 and AD32 z 01 15 t he 01 will not change The 15 represents t he number of currently existi ng recorded files z REC01 is the filename of the current recording file 2004 10 29 08 56is the dat e oft he file 5 2 The Stop Interf ace Note Wh...

Страница 28: ... this i nterface the enabled posit ionis t he one where you qui t last ti m e Interface Di splay The s tyle is thesame as that oft he St op i nterface of Musi cal File Playback But ton Function in the St op Menu Interface is the short press funct ion ofs tandard icon m enu Directory Sel ection Interf ace Note Here you can sel ect any direct ory as your current recordi ng di rectory When you ent er...

Страница 29: ...ace z A l ong press ofPLAY will turn the player off z A s hort press of A B will enteri nt ot he recording funct ion REC Type Sel ection Interface Note Here you can choose RECt ypes fromFine REC Long REC Fi ne VOR and Long VOR Interface Di splay The s tyle is thesame as that oft he EQ Selecti on interface But ton Function in the Recording Types Selecti on Interface But ton Functions oft he Standar...

Страница 30: ...o return to t he St op Interface LAST NEXT Vol and Vol Dis abled 5 3 1 VOR Functi on When t he pl ayer does not sense any val id voice the systemwill stayat V oice Waiti ng mode When vali d voice is s ensed the player will res ume recording 5 3 2 Stop recordi ng when the elect ronic si gnal level is t oo l ow When t he pl ayer wai ts t o record sound the recordi ng ti me l engt h 00 00 03 will fla...

Страница 31: ...urn to the Stop i nterface andsave therecording in the fil es ystem LAST NE XT V ol and Vol Disabled 5 4 1 Stop recordi ng when the electronic si gnal level is t oo l ow During the pause i ft he el ectronic signal level is too low the recordi ng file wi ll be saved and then the player will return to t he S t op i nterface 5 5 Auto Off In t he Stopi nterface or thePaus ei nt erface and its sub int ...

Страница 32: ...s are want ed The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow Recorded F i le Playback z 00 00 03 is t he ti m e dis play for playing the recorded s ound z 01 15 represents the order of current recorded f ile and t he total number of recorded files i nt he current directory z REC01 i s the filename and 2004 3 15 10 23 is the date and ti me when the fil ewas created They wil l not scroll when t he pl...

Страница 33: ... and reset the ti me point to zero z Short Press of NEXT To swit ch to the next recorded fi le in t he current direct ory andres et thetime point t o zero z Long Press of NEXT To cycle t ot he next recorded fi les and reset thet ime point t o zero z Short Press of A B To switch to the recordi ng mode and start recordi ng 6 1 1 The Stop Menu Interf ace Note Here you can sel ect Local folder Delet e...

Страница 34: ... ofl ong nam e direct ories Except t he root direct ory only vali d directories are dis played But ton Function in the Di rectory Sel ect ion Interface z Long Press of Vol The selectionstri p switches to t he next direct ory one by one The selecti on stri pscroll s i n a way of twolines z Long Press of Vol Thes el ection strip swit ches to t he last di rectory one by one Thes el ection strip scrol...

Страница 35: ...op i nterface z Short Press of PLAY To cancel thecurrent selecti on and return to t he S t op i nterface z Long Press of PLAY Turn the player off z Short Press of A B To switch to the recordi ng i nterface andstart recordi ng 6 2 Functions i nthe Playi ng Interf ace Note When you enteri nt o t he Playing interface t he i nformati on about the current song will be dis played The player aut omatical...

Страница 36: ...rd till t he end oft he s ound file z Hol d On ofNEXT Fas t backward till t he beginning of t he sound fil e z Hol d On of Vol To increas e the vol ume z Hol d On of Vol To decreas e the vol ume z Short Press of A B To enter t he Repeat i nterface and confi rmthe A point Inval id F i les Processing When t he pl ayer encounters invali d files during auto or manual s election of songs the mess age F...

Страница 37: ...ongs i n here The musi cis still playi ng Interface Di splay It is t he same as thei nterface when playing m us ic But ton Function in the Cycl e Setti ng Interface Short Press Function of the S tandard Menu Quit for idling for 5 seconds List ofCycl e Mode Opt ions Normal Repeat One Folder Repeat fol der Repeat All Random and int ro 6 2 3 RepeatI nterface Note Youcan performthe repeat function her...

Страница 38: ...In all the steps above a s hort press of MODE wi ll quit the Repeat interface and return to the Pl ayingi nterface In all the steps above a s hort press of PLAY wil l quit the Repeat interf ace andthe Playi ng interf ace and return to the Stop interface 6 2 4 Tempo Rate SettingI nterface Note Here you can set the current playing speed which wi ll affect bot h WAV and AG8 files The i nterface is as...

Страница 39: ...38 The range ofplayi ng speed 60 200 8 Levels 100 by default 6 3 Abnormi ty When playing recorded files i fa read error occurs t he pl ayer will ret urnt ot he Stopi nterface and prompt Dis k Error ...

Страница 40: ...ent radio stati on is the m i ni mumone 7 1 I nterface FM Radio z The current frequency pos iti on It changes its positi on ont he frequency scal ewit h thechanging of current frequency z Frequency Scale z The channel number of the current radi o station Up to 20 radio stations can be prestored z The current frequency z St ereo Ift his icon does not appear then t he radi o is i n m ono mode 7 2 Li...

Страница 41: ... pres tored then its channel number wi ll dis pl ay A s hort press of LAST wi ll m ove t he frequency backwardat a step of 100KHz for fine t uning Short Press of Vol or Vol will adjust the vol ume Long Press of MODE To enteri nt ot he mai n m enu Short Press of MODE To ent er into the FM s ubmenu Long Press of PLAY To turn the player off A s hort press ofPLAY wi ll jum p t o t he next pres tored r...

Страница 42: ...quency to a new preset channel num ber Ift he frequency is just the saved one t hat is fine t uned t henit wil l be s aved to t he current channel number 7 5 Deleti ng Radio Station Note If you want t o delet et he current savedradio st ati on press MODE to delete the current channel and quit t o the FM playi ng i nterface Press of ot her butt ons will cancel the deletionand quit t ot he FM playin...

Страница 43: ...42 7 7 American Band Sel ect t he current band as 87 108MHz 7 8 Japanes eBand Sel ect t he current band as 76 90MHz ...

Страница 44: ...les A press ofPlay wil l ent er into thePicture Playing status Press Vol or Vol to select the next l ast file A press of Mode will entert he S t op s ubmenus 1 Local Fol der 2 Play Set 3 Delete and 4 Exit There are two playi ng modes 1 Manual and 2 Auto In t he Aut o Playi ng mode the auto page t urning i nterval can be s et to 1 8 s econds Other butt ons are disabled 8 2 Pi cture Pl aying Status ...

Страница 45: ... hort press of Next Last will displayt he next l ast picture A s hort press of Play will return to the F i le Selecti on stat us A long press ofMode will return to t he mai n menu Other butt ons are disabled ...

Страница 46: ...mwareUpgrade andExit Menu I nterface Display Sett ings Button Functi on St andard Menu Functi on After you finish setti ng each of these functional i nterfaces you wil l still be ret urnedt ot hi s i nt erface 9 1 Clock Setting Interface I nterface Display Setti ng t he Cl ock Button Functi on z A short press V ol will enter t he procedure of setti ng t he recording time begi nning with the setti ...

Страница 47: ...firmt he year num ber Then thes etting itemwill bes witchedt o Month whoses ett ing met hod is thes am e as t he that ofYear Keepi ng ont he s hort press of Vol will set Date Hour and Minute i n t urn Press Vol once more to fi nis h the s etting Press Vol to set M i nute Hour Date Month and Y ear i nt urn After thechange of eachsettingitemis confirm ed the s ystemwill be updat ed in ti m e The Ran...

Страница 48: ... press of MODE wil l sel ect and enter one of the options After you enter the opti on a short press ofLAST or NEXT wi ll adjust t he positi on ofthe sli de bar A short press ofPLAY will cancel the settingand quit 9 3 Language Note Selecting Languages Later more languages will be added I nterface Display Language Selecti on Button Functi on ...

Страница 49: ... of PLAY will cancel thes etting and quit 9 4 1 Energy Saving Mode Note Int his mode you can set t he off time t hat is i n the Stop stat us after how long the player will be t urned off if there is no operations The Range 00 60 I nterface Display It is t he same as the Tem po Rate Settingi nt erface Button Functi on Standard Sl ide Bar Function 9 4 2 Sleeping Mode Note In t his mode you can set a...

Страница 50: ... Functi on Standard Sl ide Bar Function 9 5 Repl ay mode Note In here you cans et the working status for the repeat funct ion One is Manual the other is Aut o I nterface Display It is t he same as thePower off Setting i nterface Button Functi on z A s hort press of Vol or V ol will s witch between t he two modes z A s hort press of MODE wil l confi rmand quit z A s hort press of PLAY will cancel t...

Страница 51: ...ll enter into t he recording i nterface 9 7 Firmware Version Note Usedt o displayt he current firmware versi on Its int erface is as s hown i nt he Fig below Fi rmware Versi on But ton Function A short press ofMODE PLAY will quit A short press ofA B wi ll enter into t he recording i nterface ...

Страница 52: wil l ent er into the Udis k funct ion 10 1 I nterf ace Display z There are three stat us Ready Downl oad andUpload Ready means t hat t he UDISK is readyt o use USB connect Interface Download means that the UDis k is in downl oadi ng mode USB download Interface Upl oad m eans that the UDis kis i n uploading mode USB upl oad Interface ...

Страница 53: of A B Switch t o the recording function and start recordi ng 10 3 Ejection When PCis ej ected without pul ling out t he player fromt he PC t he pl ayer will goi nt ot he mai n m enu aut omaticall y 10 4 Swi tch to UPGRADE When receivingt he command of swit chingt o UPGRADE fromt he PC UPGRADE applicati on t he player needs to res pond and execut e thecorres ponding comm and ...

Страница 54: ... UPGRADE is upgradi ng t he fi rmware of thes ystemby downloading PCAMuDisk Backing up of the firm ware of the systemby upl oadi ng z The current executi ng s tat us can be Ready Busy doing done fail ed Ready UPGRADE is ready for receiving the requests fro mPC Bus y UPGRADE has not begun the m aterial upgrade or backup yet but is processing the requests fromPC Doi ng UPGRADE is upgrading or backin...

Страница 55: ...ceivingt he materi al downl oad upgrade request t he pl ayer will swi tch to t he Doi ng st at us and execute the download upgrade When receivingt he materi al upload backup request t he player will switch to the Doings tat us and execute the upload backup 11 2 Do wnload Upgrade Download Upgradeis t o download the syst emfi rmware versi on fro mthe PCsi de into the pl ayer and overwrite t he curre...

Страница 56: ... Upgrade In Upgrading Done UPGRADE has finished t he upgrade or backup Firm ware Upgrade OK Interface Fail ed UPGRADE is failed Firmware Upgrade Failure Interface Operati on Inst ructi ons Don t res pond to but ton operations PC requests processi ng It t akes about 15 seconds to fi nis h theDownload Upgrade After fi nishing the Download Upgrade t he player will s wi tcht o t he ...

Страница 57: ... the comm uni cati on fails duringt he Download Upgrade set t he retry times to rest oret he comm unicati ons When suspend occurs duri ng t he Downl oad Upgrade Fail s houl d be displayed The systemwill restart in 1 second s o as to utilize the backup oft he systemfi rmware to restore the s ystemfirm ware ...

Страница 58: ...e To extend the pl ayingti me of the player pleas e set t he screen to t he Dim mode in playing files ot hert han MTV movies The Energy Savi ng Mode and Sleeping Mode canals o prolong the playingtime of the player ...

Страница 59: ...www x micro com ...
