HA plug-in controllers
: ANY X10 controller such as the MT10 Mini Timer,
SC9000 Console, CM11 Computer Interface, CM15Pro Computer interface, etc.
can control Barking Dog. The default House Code and Unit Code for the DK10 is
A1 so A1-ON tells Barking Dog to bark, and A1-OFF tells it to stop barking.
To change Barking Dog's default setting of A1
so you can activate Barking
Dog with a different code: Move the slide switch on the back of Barking Dog to
INSTALL. Make sure the House Code dial on the Remote Control matches the
letter you set on the back of Barking Dog. Press any button on the Remote
Control. Set the slide switch back to RUN. For example if you pressed button
number 5 on the Remote Control, Barking Dog will now be activated by 5-ON and
silenced by 5-OFF, and it will turn on X10 modules set to number 5, five seconds
after it is tripped.
Motion Detector Model DM10E
The included outdoor battery operated Motion Detector will
tell Barking Dog to start barking whenever someone
approaches your home. This motion detector can also turn
lights on at dusk and turn them off again at dawn.
To set up the DM10E Motion Detector
Remove the screw from the front cover on the Motion Detector and remove the
cover. Unclip the Motion Detector from the back plate. Remove the 2 screws from
the battery compartment cover. Insert 4 “AA” alkaline batteries (observe polarity).
Replace the battery cover. Attach the back plate to an exterior wall in a location
where the Motion Detector will see any intruder who approaches your home. Clip
the Motion Detector onto the back plate. Refit the cover. Adjust the swivel up and
down for best coverage. Wait for approximately 60 seconds after installing the
batteries to let the sensing circuitry settle before testing the unit.
To test the DM10 Motion Detector
Make sure the slide switch on the back of Barking Dog is set to RUN (to the left).
Arm Barking Dog, by pressing the button on the back. The small red light on the
back turns on. Walk past the Motion Detector. Barking Dog starts barking. Five
seconds after barking starts Barking Dog will turn on Lamp Modules (which are
set to A1). The barking will stop approximately 4 minutes later. If the Motion
Detector is tripped again the sequence repeats itself, if no motion is detected for 4
minutes, Barking Dog goes quiet, and the Lamp Module set to A1 will turn off.
Note: after the Motion Detector has been tripped it will not trip again for a period
of 30 seconds (for longer battery life). Press the button on the back of Barking
Dog to disarm it, the red light goes off.