User manual Setebos-I
Application note ANR019 - Proteus-III UART vs. SPI - a comparison
This application note shows the differences, advantages and disadvantages between the Proteus-
III module with UART interface compared to the module variant with SPI slave interface.
Application note ANR020 - Proteus-III Remote GPIO control
The Proteus-III module offers six remote controllable GPIOs that can be configured as input,
output and PWM. This application note describes that feature which provides the possibility to
perform simple and quick hostless operation for simple applications.
Application note ANR026 - Proteus beacons
Besides the standard Bluetooth
LE connection based data transmission, it is possible to trans-
mit data via Bluetooth
LE without an active connection in a broadcast message, called ¨Bea-
con¨. This application note describes what beacons are and how to they can be used.
Application note ANR027 - Bluetooth listing guide
Every product containing Bluetooth
technology needs to be listed at the Bluetooth
SIG (spe-
cial interest group). This application explains the steps to be done to gain a Bluetooth
for the end product using a Würth Elektronik eiSos Bluetooth
LE radio module.
Application note ANR030 - nRF Connect
This application note gives a short overview about the options to create a custom firmware
for Würth Elektronik eiSos radio modules by using the hardware platform and the embedded
nRF5x system on chip. It presents options on firmware development environments and acces-
sories (like SDKs) for the use within the nRF5 ecosystem. The reader is informed on how to
access to a multitude of radio standards (like Bluetooth
LE, Bluetooth
MESH, Bluetooth
Audio, Matter, Zigbee, Thread, Wirepas) for custom firmware developments whilst the hardware
platform can stay the same.
Application note ANR031 - Certification of custom modules
This application note explains how certifications of a standard product can be used to gain
the certification of a customized product. This is done for firmware, that has been adapted by
Würth Elektronik eiSos, as well as for firmware written by customer.
Order code 2611011024020
Version 1.1 , July 2022