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Installation & Service Manual
Timeout Jumper Instructions
Voltage – 0 – 240vAC/DC
Current – 0 – 8Amps
Battery – 2 AAA
When the jumper is in sleep mode the display will be blank. At this point you
have the choice or programming the options in the menu system by pressing
the “Prog” button; or you can use timer mode by pressing the “Start” button.
When the “Start” button is pressed you will see either the default countdown
time or the user programmed countdown
time displayed and begin to count down.
If you wish to add more time press the
“Start” button again to add another incre-
ment of time.
To program the Wurtec Time out Jumper
begin by pressing the “Prog” button
scroll through the following menus
by pressing the “UP” or “DN” buttons: Time, Name, Number, Passcode, and
Status. Below is a description of what the menu is intended for and how to
program that particular option.
Additive Time – By default each press of the “Start” button will add one hour of
time on the timer. To change the default time per button press the “prog” button
once while in “Additive Time” menu.
Press and hold the “Prog” button again
for approximately two seconds then
release. The left set of digits is hours,
the middle set of digits is minutes and
the right set of digits is seconds. The
set of digits blinking is the current set
waiting to be changed. Press the “UP”
or “DN” buttons to change the value