Chapter 3
Surgical Technique
Three essential 2mm TiN Tip Wires need to be placed in order to achieve the goal
of compressing fusion sites of the triple arthrodesis.
The first wire crosses the calcaneus from medial to lateral avoiding the
neurovascular bundle. An olive wire may be used in this position to limit medial
migration of the foot on the frame after surgery.
Attach a post to the foot ring on either side of the foot, next to the wire that was
placed. Tighten the nuts on these posts to the ring using the 10mm wrench.
Attach the wire to the posts on either side using a wire bolt and a wire nut for
each end of the wire. The wire can be attached using the cannulation of the bolt,
or using the slot feature built into the nut.
Please note that the system features 6-hole male posts. Male and female posts
are also available with 1 through 4 holes. Select the aperture closest to the
location of the wire exiting the foot to determine placement of the wire bolt.
Use the longer 6-hole posts for wires further away from the foot plate, and use
shorter posts for wires that are closer to the foot plate. Calcaneal wires should
not be bent up or down when attaching them to the posts. Bending wires up
or down could result in elevating the heel away from the rocker bottom insole
or overly compressing it into the rocker bottom insole when the wires are
tensioned. Tighten the wire bolts and wire nuts using the 10mm wrench.
Wire attached using the
EZ FRAME™ wire bolt
Wire attached using the
EZ FRAME™ wire nut