Box! (The easiest way to reach this dialog is to click the right mouse button over the tracking
The technical background behind this is, that with the toggle switch in the middle position the
received signal will be generally synchronized from the satellite itself (dividing the subcarrier
frequency). This automatically compensates the doppler shift and the picture will not be
bended. On noisy signals however, when the subcarrier can not be detected properly,
synchronisation will automatically switch to the internal crystal clock and even noisy parts of
the image will be recorded, so that the grid and coastlines will always fit perfectly. In the up
synchronsation is always provided by the internal clock.
This can be
advanteguous when receiving WEFAX from geostationary satellites.
The “Phase” position allows to manually phase the image in cases where the PC software has
failed to do so.
Important notes for operation with the PROsat software
Each time you start reception, PROsat requests a
copy protection-key
from the WRX-137
receiver. If the key is not received either a
“Dongle not found”
error message will appear or
the image information will be
Therefore it is important that the receiver is
connected and switched on before you start reception in the program. When the receiver
power is interrupted during reception, the key is invalidated and you have to
start the
receiving mode in PROsat again
In the case that the “Dongle not found” message is issued when reception is started, just
restart reception once again. In some cases it requires a second try before the copy protection
key is correctly read from the WRX-137.
When the system is first setup, it is stronly recommended to first use the simple
Control Panel
Software “WRX137.EXE”
to check proper operation of the receiver, proper connection and
comport selection. When “WRX137.EXE” works fine, close the WRX137.EXE-Window and
start PROsat (note that Windows allows only one program at a time to have conrol over the
serial comport).
PROsat still contains a lot of functions for the reception of geostationary satellites. As these
are obsolete, just neglect these functions and chapters in the manual and help file.
If you observe some strange
horizontal image-shifting
during reception (stepping), please
refer to the 2 pages of special notes
“Stepping problem”.
Such is caused by short
interruptions of the serial data stream and can in most cases be cured by
switching off
all the
Power Saving
PROsat also works well with most standard USB to Serial converters.
Due to an internal Windows-problem, Windows sometimes interprets the dataflow from the
WRX-137 wrongly and installs an additional mousedriver, causing the cursor the jump around
like crazy. To avoid such problem, don’t have the WRX-137 connected or running when
booting Windows.
To get immediate results after software installation just start the supplied configuration
“NOAA_auto” and all active satellites will we recorded automatically.