- 6 -
Using hot-melt glue (best), spray adhesive
(sprayed into a puddle and then spread on)
or 5 minute epoxy (not ideal), glue the base
slice back into the bottom of the battery
cut-out hole, creating a base for the battery
recess. Use the markings you made to
orientate it correctly, ensuring a perfect fit.
Mark out the same size area (approx.
50mm x 55mm) in the same position on the
other nose. This recess will be used later
for accommodating weight in the form of
layers of 1mm (approx. 1/16”) lead
flashing to balance the glider correctly.
Make the base slice of this recess a little thicker, say 10mm (3/8”). Put the remainder of the
foam plug aside for later use.
Next are the servo recesses. Decide whether you want to remove your servos’ mounting
lugs. These are generally not required for foam gliders and removing them can make
mounting into foam a little simpler. Base
your decision on the likelihood of requiring
the mounting lugs on the servos for a
different style of model in the future and
the availability and expense of replacement
servo cases.
Lay one of your standard size aileron
servos on top of the wing slightly outboard
(towards the wing tip) of the battery pack
recess so that there’s 10mm (3/8”) of foam
between it and the edge of the battery pack
recess and so that one of its corners (or
servo mounting lugs) is touching the line
you marked 30mm (1 3/16”) back from the leading edge. The servo needs to be aligned so
that the servo arm movement is at right angles to the spar (or parallel with the line of flight).
Trace around the servo and cut around this outline with a sharp knife all the way down
through the foam. Push out the foam plug and mark with a vertical line down its front side
for later reference.
Hold the side of your servo against the side
of the foam plug flush with the top surface
and trace out a line. Repeat this for all four
sides and then cut off a bottom slice along
this outline. Mark the top of this slice with
an “x” for later reference and discard the
remaining piece of the plug.
Glue the bottom slice of the foam plug into
the bottom of the servo cut-out hole
forming a base for the servo recess. Use the
marks on its front side and top to orientate
it correctly, ensuring a perfect fit.
Repeat this process for the second aileron
servo recess on the other side of the wing.