World Class Catamarans
The Refuse Act of 1899 prohibits throwing, discharging or depositing any refuse matter of
any kind (including trash, garbage, oil and other liquid pollutants) into the waters of the United
States. This information is provided in a pamphlet, that normally received when registering your
boat. Use the information below as a guideline, but study the pamphlet and understand any
local regulations regarding pollution control. As the operator, you are also liable for individuals
on your vessel disposing of materials in an improper manner.
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits the discharge of oil or hazardous sub-
stances which may be harmful into U.S. navigable water. Vessels 26 feet in length and over
must display a placard at least 5 by 8 inches, made of durable material. The placard must
be installed in a conspicuous place in the rigging compartments or near the bilge pumps
and state the following:
Boats 26 feet in length and over must display a Save Our Seas Placard which outlines the
rules for dumping waste offshore. The placards must be at least 4” x 9” and should be dis-
played in an area visible during normal operation. They can be purchased from your
dealer or marine equipment suppliers.