Greenstar i System
- 6 720 806 945 (2015/07)
Checking flue integrity
The integrity of the flue system and performance of the appliance can be
checked via the flue turret/adaptor sample points.
Refer to figure 49.
▶ With the appliance case on and the appliance running at maximum,
remove the blanking plug for the air inlet sample point [2 or 3].
▶ Insert the analyser probe into the air intake test point [1].
▶ Allow the readings to stabilise and check that:
– O
is equal to, or greater than 20.6%
– CO
is less than 0.2%
▶ If the readings are outside these limits then this indicates that there
is a problem with the flue system or combustion circuit.
Fig. 49 Flue integrity test
Air inlet sample point
Flue turret air inlet blank plug (with retaining ring)
Flue adaptor air inlet blank plug
Flue gas analysis
Combustion ratio test
Setting appliance to maximum
Refer to figure 50.
▶ Press the
button for at least 5 seconds.
– The chimney sweep symbol
will be displayed at the top of the
– “Max” will flash at the bottom of the screen.
– The appliance will ramp up to maximum output in approximately
30 to 35 seconds.
▶ Run the appliance at maximum output for at least 10 minutes.
▶ Remove the blanking plug for the flue gas sample point [2 or 3].
▶ Insert the analyser probe into the flue gas test point [1].
– Ensure that the probe reaches the centre of the flue gas exhaust,
adjust the cone on the probe so that it seals the sample point and
correctly positions the end of the probe.
▶ Check that the CO is <200ppm and the CO/CO
ratio is <0.002.
Fig. 50 Combustion test
Flue gas sample point
Flue turret flue gas blank plug
Flue adaptor flue gas blank plug
Setting the appliance to minimum
Whilst the appliance is in Chimney sweep mode (the chimney sweep
will be displayed at the top of the screen:
▶ Set the appliance to minimum power by pressing the DHW down
arrow button.
– “Min” appears at the bottom of the screen.
– The appliance will take 30 to 35 seconds to ramp down to
minimum output.
– Allow the appliance to stabilise at minimum output.
▶ Check that the CO is <200ppm and the CO/CO
ratio is <0.002.
▶ If correct, press the
button and the appliance will return to
normal operation.
The appliance case must be fitted whilst this test is
carried out.
Combustion testing
▶ Combustion testing must be carried out by a
competent person. Testing must not be attempted
unless the person carrying out the combustion check
is equipped with a calibrated Combustion Analyser
conforming to BS 7927 and is competent in its use.
Ensure that the gas inlet pressure has been checked and
is satisfactory, (
When running in maximum output, and the water
temperature is 65°C or less, the appliance will operate
both the central heating and DHW circuits with the
diverter valve in the mid position. It will be necessary to
run sufficient water through the DHW circuit to ensure
that the appliance will not cycle on low heating demands.
This is to allow sufficient time for the setting procedure.
When the water temperature reaches 75°C the diverter
valve will switch to CH only.
Maximum output mode
▶ The diverter valve will go to mid position in chimney
sweep mode. A hot water outlet can be opened to
prevent the appliance from shutting down due to high
temperature during testing.