Settings in the service menu
Greenstar 4000 – 6 720 891 162 (2020/09)
Benchmark and Info menu
Table 22 Benchmark menu
Table 23 Info menu
Menu item
Flow temp.
Flow temperature in °C
Menu item
Current status
10.1.2 "Operating/Fault code table", page 71 for operating codes.
Current fault
10.1.2 "Operating/Fault code table", page 71 for fault codes.
Fault history
Last 10 faults in chronological order
Max. heat output
Maximum heating output in kW
Actual temp.
Current flow temperature in °C
Set flow temp.
Target flow temperature in °C
HEx temperature
Primary heat exchanger temperature
Act. burner mod.
Current burner modulation %
Burner output
Current burner output in kW
Ionisation current
Current ionisation current in μA
Pump mod.
Current pump modulation %
Outside temp.
Current outside temperature in °C
Burner starts
Number of burner starts since commissioning
Hours run
Run time of the system since commissioning
System pressure
Current operating pressure in bar
Hot water
Max. output
Maximum domestic hot water output in kW
DHW act. temp.
1) Menu item only visible if integral diverter kit is fitted.
Current domestic hot water temperature in °C
S Act.temp. cyl.
Current domestic hot water temperature in °C
DHW set temp.
DHW temperature setting value
Contr.device ver.
Software version of the control device
Progr. unit ver.
Software version of the control unit
SW sub-ver.
Software sub-version
Code plug no.
Code plug number
Code plug ver.
Code plug version
2) Only available with installed Key Timer (accessory)
Type of control Key installed e.g. "RF Key
3) Menu items only visible if Solar connected
Collector temp.
Collector temperature in °C
Cylinder temperature, bottom sensor in °C
Collector pump
Collector pump
Solar fault
Current faults