Carefully place the log set back on the burner. Ease it as far forward and
to the left as possible. Log placement is critical for the best flame
appearance and stove performance. Improper alignment can cause tall,
stringy flames or short flames. It can also create excessive carbon and
soot buildup on the log set and firebox.
Insert the rear log over the pins in the base of the log set.
Install the glass window and frame assembly by placing the bottom edge
into the glass retainer and center it to the firebox. Pull out on the window
clips with pliers (or the window clip tool) and then twist so they hold the
window in place.
Now test the window clips by pulling the top edge of the window away
from the firebox. The glass and frame should move freely and the
window clips should pull the window back into position. If they do not
then re-center the window or press it further down into the bottom
retainer until they do.
Turn on the gas supply.
Light the pilot and then the burner to be sure each functions properly. If
the flames do not appear normal, check the placement of the log set and
burner tile.
Install the front.Place the top clip up into position and swing the bottom
edge into position while lifting up on the front. Lower it down onto the