16 Service
MCPSSAMH (Rev. 8/25/2006)
1. Perform steps one through three of Acme Screw
2. Remove three 3/8" bolts.
3. Place the nut flange in a vice and use a pipe
wrench to remove the nut from the flange.
As regular use takes place, normal wear of the carbide
picks will occur with the outer most picks wearing first.
The pick tool included with the planer should be used
to remove the picks from the cast holders. In the event
the pick tool is not available, any hardened punch or
tool allowing access to the bottom of the holders can
be used.
Welder must be grounded directly to drum dur-
ing pick holder replacement or severe bearing
damage will result.
Never drive the pick in by striking it directly on
the end as this can cause the pick to chip and
cause injury or create small stress fractures in the
pick resulting in premature wear.
A length of pipe with a 3/4 - 1 inch inside diameter can
be placed over the pick to protect it from direct hit.
Striking a small piece of wood placed on the pick to
absorb the shock will prevent damage.
Always wear safety glasses when performing
this operation. Hardened tools and picks can shat-
ter causing injury.
The factory installed carbide pick chosen for use is a
general purpose asphalt / concrete pick as the cold
planer is designed for both asphalt and concrete plan-
ing applications. For replacement of multi-purpose
picks always specify Alitec B1050S picks from your
local dealer. If the planer is to be used specifically for
concrete, a special concrete pick is available. Specify
To prevent the picks from seizing in the hold-
ers, the picks should be sprayed with diesel fuel at
the end of each day. This will break down the
asphalt build-up in the holders and prevent prema-
ture wear by allowing the picks to rotate in the
holders. Excess diesel fuel should be caught in a
collection pan and properly disposed. If the pick
remains in the holder beyond its intended replace-
ment point, it reduces the cutting performance and
will not protect the holder.
For proper operation, the picks should be
checked at least every two hours and lubricated
daily to ensure that they can freely rotate in their
Lubricate the grease points daily on all planer wheels
as well as the drum bearings.
The lubricant in the gear case of the planetary must be
changed within the first 50 hours of operation. After
that, the lubricant need only be changed once per year
or every 1000 hours whichever occurs first.
Type of lubricant should be 80 - 90W gear lube,
with an EP (extreme pressure) rating of GL-5 mini-
mum. Thirty-one (31) ounces (CP16 - 30ATD XT =
19 ounces) is the amount required for each change.
The lubricant can be changed by removing the drain
plug located on the planetary gear box flange between
the chassis and the drum. Rotate the drum until the
plug is at its lowest position and remove the plug. (It
may be necessary to temporarily remove the drive
motor to allow the drum to rotate.) Allow lubricant to
drain. Rotate drum until the drain hole is aligned with
the inspection hole in the side of the chassis. Refill
gear case with thirty-one ounces (CP16 - 30ATD XT =
19 ounces) EP-90 gear lubricant. Reinstall drain plug.
Reinstall drive motor if it was removed.
(Rev. 7/4/2008)