Now proceed to remount the saved bowl using the same procedure as before.
• Create a new spigot on the bottom of the bowl. Re-mount the bowl in the chuck and
replace the bowlsaver.
• Loosen the clamp bolts and exchange the blades, the small blade now becomes the
working blade and the large the lazy blade.
• Tighten the screws firmly and proceed to line up the cutter with the point of entry.
• Take the small gauge and adjust the depth of cut until correct.
• Couple the tailstock to the taper and tighten all the mounting points including the chuck.
• You may wish to increase the lathe speed (ours is 800 rpm) for the smaller bowl.
• Proceed to make the cut as before withdrawing the blade frequently to clear shavings
until the bowl is ready to break free.
• Move the unit including the tailstock back and remove the second bowl.
Place the new bowl in the chuck, replace the toolrest and turn a spigot on the base to suit
the small chuck (2”-50mm).
• Fit the small chuck, remount the bowl and hollow out the inside with a suitable gouge.
• We have used a 3/8” (10mm) Woodcut replaceable tip bowlgouge.
Now you have three bowls ready to be finish turned and polished once they have com
pletely seasoned.
As we progress we start to come around into the end grain you’ll notice that the shav
ings will become small, short little fibrous chips.
• It’s important at this time to stop and clear those shavings so that they don’t pack
around the blade and put extra strain on your lathe. Once you’ve done that, carry on as
• From time to time a shaving will sit on top of the cutter and inhibit progress. Simply
withdraw blade and wipe it off and carry on cutting.
• Let the cutter work at it’s own pace the bowlsaver used patiently will do the job as ef
fectively on a light machine as it will on a heavy-duty lathe.
• Now as we proceed around towards the finish of the cut, listen carefully and you will
hear a change in the tone of the cut. This will give you an indication of how much
wood is left in the base now to cut off. Stop the lathe at this point.
• Just feel the bowl with your fingers and check whether it’s almost ready to come off.
You may
have to do this 2 or 3 times, particularly when you’re first starting out
with the bowlsaver, until you get used to it.
• Don’t be afraid, if you go too far and the bowl does dislodge simply switch the lathe off
retrieve the bowl.
Now you have saved your first bowl you will be amazed how easy it was.
• We will now proceed to remount the saved bowl and the same procedure as before
create a new spigot on the bottom of the bowl, re-mount in the chuck and get ready
to core out the next bowl.
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