Wolff GmbH & Co KG | D-74360 Ilsfeld | Ungerhalde 1 | Fon: +49 (0)7062-91556-0 | Fax: +49 (0)7062-91556-41 | www.wolff-tools.de
► Coverings with a fleece backing:
Do not remove the wearing surface beforehand. Cut
the covering into strips and strip them together with the
fleece backing.
Important blade recommendation:
In general, no statements can be made on which
blades can be used for which blades, because the va-
riety of coverings and surfaces are too diverse. These
recommendations are to provide assistance!
► We recommend using flat blades of varying lengths
and widths for flexible, elastic floor coverings. The
harder the covering, the thicker the blade should be.
► The blade is generally inserted with the blade edge
up, unless it works itself too deep in the surface. In
this case, the blade must be inserted with the blade
edge down.
10.0 Guarantee
The warranty period for new Wolff machines shall last for
one year from the point at which the machine is transfer-
red / delivered to the customer, insofar as statutory legal
requirements do not stipulate otherwise.
When validating warranty claims, the invoice or proof of
purchase must always be submitted.All repairs within the
framework of the warranty agreement must be undertaken
by a service Centre that has been accredited by us.
Customers performing their own repairs and/or improper
repairs regularly lead to the exclusion of warranty claims.
The same also applies to incorrect operation and/or use.
Replacement of parts, accessories and other modifica
tions to Wolff machines
Users of Wolff machines enjoy a high level of safety and
reliability of their machine. In order to maintain this status
quo, your Wolff tool may not be modified from the condition
in which it is delivered without following the rules below.
These rules apply to both the replacement of parts and
equipping the machine with accessories as well as other
technical modifications.
All work undertaken to your Wolff machine must be
undertaken exclusively by a workshop that
suitably trained and experienced personnel at its
disposal, as well as the requisite work equipment.
We recommend using authorised service Centre.
In the event of planned replacement of parts, planned
addition of accessories or other planned technical
modifications, an assessment must always be carried
out by an authorised
service Centre or us, as manu-
facturer, before work is commenced.
It is highly recommend that only safety-approved Origi-
nal Wolff replacement parts and Original Wolff ac-
cessories are used, which have been approved by
us, as manufacturer. Replacement parts and acces
sories can be obtained from your authorised service
Centre, which will also be able to undertake professio-
nal installation on your behalf. Original Wolff replace
ment parts and Original Wolff accessories have been
checked for safety and suitability especially for Wolff
We are unable to adequately assess the safety and
suitably of non-Original Wolff replacement parts.
In order to preserve operational safety and to prevent
damage in the event of technical modifications, of
whatsoever nature, our technical guidelines
always be observed
. We are also always happy to
hear from you should you have any other questions
about your Wolff machine.
Please note that we cannot accept any liability for
damage, insofar as this is sustained as the result of
incorrect work undertaken or as the result of violation
of the rules stated above.