8 21 19 3:
R M- 23 50 W- H D U se r G u id e
© 20 13 Wo hl e r Te c hn ol og i e s , In c . A l l r ig h ts re se rv ed .
RM-2350W-HD User Guide
F r on t Pa n e l C o n t r o l s
Front Panel Controls
The front panel feature descriptions refer to the image below.
Tally Lights
: These tri-color (red/green/amber) lights are
controlled through a DB9 connector on the rear of the panel. For
more information about the DB9 connector, refer to “
Rear Panel
” on
page 10
LCD Screen:
The LCD screens display the video image, overlays
and menus.
Eight of 16 channels of de-embedded audio or one pair of
analog inputs per screen may be selected for monitoring through
the right speaker or stereo headphones.
Headphone Jack:
Monitor the assigned left/right stereo audio
channels with stereo headphones from this mini-stereo connector.
The speaker will mute when the headphones are plugged in.
HD/SD-SDI, Analog Composite
(1 BNC per LCD Screen)
Analog Audio
(2 RCA per LCD screen)
1 RS-485 on RJ-45
HD/SD-SDI Re-clocked output
(1 BNC per LCD Screen)
Analog Audio
(2 RCA per LCD screen)
1 RS-485 on RJ-45
Space Required
2 rack units of an EIA-19 standard
equipment rack
Supplied Accessories
AC power adapter
Table 1–1
RM-2350W-HD Specifications
Domain Range
All of the specifications listed above are subject to change
without notice.