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Product Introduction:

The N E W P racti- C R dM   C ompression R ate a nd D epth M onitor i s d esigned t o 
measure compression rate and depth when practicing C PR on a manikin. Worn on 
the students' wrist, the C RdM will provide audible “beeps” when compression depth 
is not within the range of 5-6cm (2”-2.3”). A beep at one time indicates insufficient 
depth ( less t han 5 cm/2''), a nd two beeps at one time indicates excessive depth 
(more than 6cm/2.3''). A diode illuminates red when compressions are below 100 
cpm or above 120 cpm. When compression rate is between 100 and 120 cpm the 
diode illuminates green, allowing users to self-check their timing.


1. Power on

Touch the screen for 3 seconds to turn it on, touch for another 3 seconds to turn it off.

2. Dual-colored indicator light

The indicator light will flash green when the compression rate is between 100 and 
120 cpm. A diode illuminates red when compressions are below 100 cpm or above 
120 cpm.


Contact Information:

WNL Products
275 Hopping Brook Road Holliston, 
MA 01746
Toll Free: (800)884-9629

One year parts and labor 
(excludes battery)

Date: 2018/9/28
No.: W NL-120F-A
Version: C

Instruction Manual
