WaveIP Ltd.
WipAir Installation Guide
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According to FCC part 15.247(b):
The maximum peak output power of intentional radiator shall not exceed 1 Watt
(+30 dBm).
If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the peak
output power from the intentional radiator shall be reduced below the maximum peak
power (of +30 dBm) as appropriate, by the amount in dB that the directional gain of
antenna exceeds 6 dBi
That is to say that the maximum EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) shall not
36 dBm.
Systems operating in 5.8 GHz exclusively for fixed,
may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain greater than 6 dBi without
any corresponding reduction in transmitter peak output power.
That is to say that the maximum EIRP can exceed +36 dBm in point-to-point
Dynamic range of Tx power in WipAir is 40 dB.
In Point-to-Multipoint mode, the unit will automatically reduce the Tx power according
to the antenna gain and regulatory. For example:
For integrated antenna of 23 dBi, the max allowed Tx power is 13 dBm (10
dBm in MIMO) to meet the EIRP limitation of 36 dBm.
For integrated antenna of 28.5 dBi, the max allowed Tx power is 7 dBm (4
dBm in MIMO) to meet the EIRP limitation of 36 dBm.
FCC – 4.9 GHz
According to FCC part 90.1215:
(a)(1) The maximum conducted output power should not exceed:
Channel bandwidth
High power maximum conducted
output power (dBm)
(2) High power point-to-point and point-to-multipoint operations (both fixed and
temporary-fixed rapid deployment) may employ transmitting antennas with
directional gain up to 26 dBi without any corresponding reduction in the maximum
conducted output power or spectral density. Corresponding reduction in the maximum
conducted output power and peak power spectral density should be the amount in
decibels that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 26 dBi.
FCC – 2.5 GHz
According to FCC 47 CFR part 27.50:
(i) The maximum EIRP of a main, booster or base station shall not exceed 33 dBW
10log(X/Y) dBW, where X is the actual channel width in MHz and Y is either 6 MHz if