associated videos.
1.5Umodel, need to press "Armed" in front panel to open alarm after configure the correct parameter.
Input CH.:
Select a alarm input port for setup
Alarm Type:
This is sensor type. You can select ―NO‖ or ―NC‖ according to the sensor type.
There is alarm input, you can start the appropriate channel head preset, automatic cruise or track.
Description of other parameters, see the "Motion".
Video Sheltered
When someone maliciously blocked the view of the lens, the image cannot be on the scene. By setting the
occlusion alarm can effectively prevent this phenomenon from happening. Video cover set includes cover regional
settings and the corresponding handled. The corresponding parameter description see the motion detection.
1.5Umodel,need to press "Armed" in front panel to open alarm after configure the correct parameter.
Fig.32 Fig.33