Gen eral In for ma tion
Fea tures
486DX4 at 100MHz or 5X86 at 133 MHz
100% PC- AT Com pati ble
Up to 32 Mbytes of user instal la ble FPM or EDO DRAM
Op tional 256K L2 Cache
Solid State Disk Sup port of up to 12MB
PCI High- Resolution VGA con trol ler for CRT or Flat Panel us age
PCI IDE Con trol ler
NE2000 Com pati ble 10BaseT, AUI, Eth er net Con trol ler
Four 16550 Com pati ble Se rial ports with op tional RS422, RS485, J1708 in ter faces
Bi- directional Par al lel printer port sup ports EPP and ECP modes
48 Digi tal I/O lines with 24 line event sense ca pa bil ity
Dual Floppy Disk in ter face
16- Bit PC/104 Ex pan sion Bus
Watch dog Timer with Power- fail re set
Gen eral De scrip tion
The LBC- 486/586Plus is a small, high- performance, em beddable com puter sys tem on a sin gle
board. It in te grates a number of popu lar I/O op tions in clud ing VGA, Eth er net, Solid- State Disk, and
High- Density Par al lel I/O. Four PC com pati ble ser ial ports are stan dard, as are the floppy, hard disk,
and par al lel printer in ter faces. The LBC-Plus is popu lated with ei ther a 100 MHz AMD DX4 proc es sor
or the AMD 5x85 133 MHz proc es sor. Up to 32Mbytes of user instal la ble SIMM mem ory is sup
ported. An op tional 256KB level two cache is also avail able. A full 16- bit PC/104 ex pan sion bus is
pro vided for fur ther ex pan sion to an en tire in dus try of add-on pe riph er als in clud ing sound and speech
mod ules, SCSI con trol lers, Ana log I/O mod ules, and lit er ally hun dreds of other op tions avail able from
Win Sys tems and a va ri ety of ven dors sup port ing the PC/104 stan dard. An on board sili con disk ar ray
sup ports disks up to 2 mega bytes in size and can util ize SRAM, PEROM or EPROM as the disk me dia.
Boot ca pa bil ity is pro vided on board and a set of utili ties and driv ers are pro vided to make the sili con
disk based sys tem very user friendly. Al ter nately, the M- Systems Disk On Chip FLASH mod ules may
be popu lated, sup port ing disk sizes rang ing from 1 Mega byte to 12 Mega bytes.
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Содержание LBC- 486Plus
Страница 81: ...8 APPENDIX C LBC Plus Parts Placement Guide Top 991206 OPERATIONS MANUAL LBC Plus Page 8 1 ...
Страница 83: ...9 APPENDIX D LBC PLUS Mechanical Drawing ...
Страница 84: ......
Страница 85: ...10 APPENDIX E WS16C48 I O Routines and Sample Program Listings ...