Operator can select a proper nozzle position for different pools, for example, chose slow speed
which leads to big moving radian by putting the symble
points at
(cleaner moves
toward left), or points at 75
(cleaner moves toward right) : Settings of nozzle
In most cases, put both of the nozzles at same direction will fit for any shap of pools.
A radius path and a direct path will happen by alternation if one nozzle is at 30
and the other is
at 60
by which will leads to dense coverage of the pool and is helpful for release any possible
cable twist. : Setting of distance
Chose a proper pool distance on the operating panel based on your pool size.
Suggest to chose a longer distance if you put the nozzle at direction of low speed or there is
slope in your pool, for example, the pool width is 6m, then suggest to chose 8m or 10m if the
cleaner moves in low program. : Setting for pools with slope
Put the nozzle at a position of fast speed so as to climb slope by enhancing water flow of the
cleaner. (See scheme of moving at fast speed).
Note: A full coverage is not guaranteed for some of customized pool shapes, while you can
adjust the nozzle direction to reduce the moving curvature radius even this means to cause
cable twist more often.
5.3.2 Recommended nozzle direction:
1) Direction at which cleaner moves faster
Pool distance
Sketch map