Flashing Blue
Pairing Mode
Under 2 minutes
Persistent Solid White
Corrupt Wink HUB memory
Please contact customer service.
Flashing Red
Downloading update
5 - 30 minutes, depending on the speed of
your internet connection
Solid Red
Installing update
Under 5 minutes
Brief Flash Green
Connected device is changing state
(example: a light is dimmed)
.25 seconds
Long red flash after
flashing blue
Device failed to pair or be removed
4 seconds
Long green flash after
flashing blue
Device was successfully paired or
4 seconds
Error Messages
The Wink HUB uses lights to let you know what’s going on. Below is a table for you to better
understand what each light means as well as how to correct the problem and how long until you can
begin using your Wink Hub again.
Error creating token
There’s a problem with your account information. Check to see if you’ve entered your
password and account name correctly, including capitals and spaces and so on. Once
you’ve re-submitted your information correctly, that message should go away.
There was an issue setting
your [product name]
This means the product is showing up as offline. To correct this, check and make sure the
product in question has power or fresh batteries, is in range of your network, and that
your Wink HUB is online. If you are still having issues after that, delete the device from
your Wink App and pair it again.
Z-Wave Controls
Within the Wink HUB interface, there are advanced controls for Z-wave networks, meant
specifically for Z-Wave products. These are designed to make it easier for you to move Z-wave
devices from one controller to another.