There are two ways to start SoftPhone:
1. From the Windows task bar: Start Programs Leadtek
Research Inc SoftPhone SoftPhone.
2. Click the SoftPhone shortcut on the desktop.
Windows Security Alert:
Windows firewall may block SoftPhone and displays an alert
message. Choose "Unblock".
You need to enter Username and Password to
login to SoftPhone, as shown in Fig. 1.
1. Input the Username/Password as printed on
the label.
2. You can find 2 free accounts on the CD sleeve.
For example, 88650100000 is the password.
The Password is printed after P/W, as shown in
Fig. 2.
Login Errors:
You may encounter some common errors:
1. Unable to start SoftPhone: Please check the network connection of
the computer.
2. SoftPhone registration failed: Make sure you input the SoftPhone
username/password correctly. Please contact Leadtek FAE if you
encounter other problems.
2 Starting SoftPhone
Fig. 1
Fig. 2