WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 25 February 2017
The WindSonic measures the times taken for an ultrasonic pulse of sound to travel from the
North transducer to the South transducer, and compares it with the time for a pulse to travel
from S to N transducer. Likewise times are compared between West and East, and E and W
If, for example, a North wind is blowing, then the time taken for the pulse to travel from N
to S will be faster than from S to N, whereas the W to E, and E to W times will be the same.
The wind speed and direction can then be calculated from the differences in the times of
flight on each axis. This calculation is independent of factors such as temperature.
Figure 1 Time of Flight details
WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 25 February 2017
Figure 2 Compass Points