Assignment of COM Port Addresses and
Ensure that there is no conflict of hardware port addresses or interrupt
requests (IRQs) used by your system and the AT COM Board!
Essentially the AT COM Board has been designed to be configurable for a
non-shared IRQ9, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, or IRQ15 for COM5 and a shared
IRQ9, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, or IRQ15 for COM6,7,8 and even COM5. The
interrupt requests have to be enabled explicitly by jumpers on the controller.
To assist you further, some hints to the assignment of interrupts are given in
this chapter. Please note, that only some possible conflicts are mentioned.
There might be more possible!
IRQ9, con flict with po wer fail in ter rupt of BEET LE sys tems
IRQ9 cannot be used with BEETLE systems equipped with
233Mhz, since this causes in conflict with the powerfail
For other systems, no hint can be given for a conflict that is likely to occur.
So you will have to check your specific configuration.
IRQ10, con flict with COM3, COM4 of BEET LE sys tems
IRQ10 cannot be used with BEETLE systems, since this is in conflict with
COM3 and COM4. Factory settings of the BEETLE provide using IRQ10 for
COM3 and COM4.
For other systems, no hint can be given for a conflict that is likely to occur.
So you will have to check your specific configuration.
IRQ11, pro ba ble con flict Le ga cy-SCSI con trol ler or Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus
The Adaptec product line of SCSI controllers uses IRQ11 as default. If you
have this type of controller, please refer to your technical documentation, if
a change of the configuration is required.