Capacitive Touch Screen (Option)
Ge ne ral
The TFT Touch Screen works ac cor ding to the prin ci ple of a chan ge in
ana log ca pa ci tan ce. It has a glass screen with a trans pa rent, thin-film
over lay on the sur fa ce. This is ful ly sea led and pro tec ted by a furt her lay er
of cle ar glass. Elec tro des on the ed ges of the screen pro vi de an uni form
low-vol ta ge field. As soon as you touch the screen with your fin ger the
con tact point is “re cog ni zed” by the chan ge in ca pa ci tan ce.
Be cau se this ta kes pla ce very quic kly the Touch Screen is op ti mal ly
equip ped for a number of different requirements and applications.
The pro gram ming in ter fa ce of the screen is iden ti cal to the mou se in ter fa ce.
When you connect your new BA72A-2 to your BEETLE for the first time you
have to calibrate the Touch Screen. Details depend on the operating system
that you are using.
How to Ope ra te
The Touch Screen re sponds to the slightest con tact, the re fo re you do not
have to ap ply much pres su re when wor king with the screen. This does not
only safe time, but is also kind to your joints!
Tou ching the touch glass has the same ef fect as cli cking the left mou se
but ton. You only need to ap ply a litt le pres su re with the fin ger tip. In this
ca pa ci ti ve pro cess only fin ger tip con tact is re cog ni zed. The screen does not
re act in any way if tou ched, for ex am ple, with a pencil or a glove.
Anti Re flec ti ve Et ched Sur fa ce and Pro tec ti on
Cle ar Tek Glass Over co at
Con duc ti ve Coa ting
Pro tec ti ve Noi se Shield