you release the key. This item is disabled by default.
Typematic Rate Delay (msec)
You can use this item to define the period after which the typematic function becomes active i.e.
how long after you press a key the characters will be repeated.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
You can use this item to define the typematic rate delay of your keyboard, i.e. the rate at which
characters will be repeated when a key is held down.
Mouse Support Option
Enable this item if you wish to use a mouse with the setup program.
Above 1 MB Memory Test
Enable or disable this function according to whether you want the system to run a test of memory
above 1 MB at boot up or not.
Memory Test Tick Sound
Enable or disable this function according to whether you want an audible signal during the memory
check or not.
Hit <Del> Message Display
Enable or disable this item according to whether you wish the message “Hit <Del>, If you want to
use SETUP” to appear on your screen or not.
Hard Disk Type 47 RAM Area
If the hard disk type you wish to install in your system is not listed in the Standard CMOS Setup
program, you can use the type 47 to configure a special setting according to the characteristics of
your hard disk drive. You may use this item to define the area of RAM in which this information is
to be stored.
Wait for <F1> If Any Error
Enable or disable this item according to whether you wish to press <F1> when an error is
encountered or not. Pressing <F1L enables you to enter the setup program and make any necessary
System Boot Up Num Lock
Use this item to enable/disable the Num Lick on your keyboard automatically at power-on.
Floppy Drive Seek at Boot
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SLC Chapter 8
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