My Comment
Enter a comment text under "My Comment", which
is sent as a comment with every position package.
The text is limited to 40 characters.
3.12 FM Voice Settings
- VFO: Allows quick switching to an
unsaved frequency. Here you can type in a
frequency which is set identically as TX
and RX frequency. At the same time, the
frequency is stored in the memory
(memory list) at position 21. If required,
you can set additional settings in memory
such as CTCSS or DCS tones for this
- Memory List: Here you can save, select and edit frequencies.
Including the name of the memory location, the TX and RX frequency, TX
and RX subtone as well as the setting for a "scan stop".
These settings can be conveniently edited on a computer using the
"Webconfig" function.
- Memory Scan starts a search over the stored frequencies that were
specified for a "Scan Stop".
- TX power 1W switches the transmission power for FM radiotelephone
operation between 1 watt (green tick) and 0.5W (no tick).