© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Item 60244
Page 4
05 2021
Please note the following. Failure to comply can affect your warranty.
Always follow the installation instructions in this manual.
The chlorine value must not exceed the normal value too much.
The rolled-up cover must not be exposed to direct sunlight once it has been removed from the
Do not store the cover completely in the shade.
The water temperature in the swimming pool should not exceed 40
Do not store the cover at temperatures above 40
The cover must not be exposed to conditions that cause it to be torn open, cracked or otherwise
Assembling the solar cover is a relatively simple task.
Take the time to trim the cover at least twice.
Preferably leave the cover 2 to 3 weeks before
the final trim.
This allows the wrinkles created by the packaging to settle and the cover to
spread out. It is possible for a solar cover to lose up to 10 % in size within the first few weeks.
This is normal for a new cover. So do not cut too much if you think that the cover is too large.
Take the cover out of the box and place it next to the pool. Carefully unfold it and spread
it over the pool surface, with the air chamber side down and the smooth side up.
If pos-
sible, leave the cover in the sun for a few hours so that it can “relax
When it is ready, smooth the cover over the pool surface and remove the wrinkles and air pock-
ets. It will help to smooth the cover with a brush. Once the cover is smooth, you can start trim-
ming the cover with sharp scissors according to the shape of the pool. When you get to the
skimmer, cut a “tab” or “tongue” that si
ts over the skimmer.
We recommend that the solar cover is cut a bit larger than the pool surface so that it “flips up”
on the edge and forms a bowl shape inside the pool so that leaves and dirt remain on the surface
of the cover instead of falling into the water. Sheets can be brushed or blown into the skimmer
before removing the cover. When you cut the cover for the first time, leave a good 10
15 cm
more material all around. Trim the cover so that it sits just below the edge of the pool.
If there are two persons, have the second person stand on the opposite side of the pool (meas-
ured from where you are working) and hold the solar cover. While cutting it to size, it is important
to check the cover behind and in front of you to make sure the solar cover does not move.
Once you have the basic shape, stop cutting and give the cover time to “spread out.”
After about
3 weeks, you can cut the cover to its final shape.
Because of UV light and pool chemicals, e. g., chlorine, the cover is in a very rough environment.
It is constantly attacked by the chlorine contained in the water and the UV rays of the sun. The
heat also intensifies the effects of UV light and chlorine.
Maintenance and storage
The lifespan of the cover is limited and will reach around 50
125 % of its expected service life, depend-
ing on the level of care taken by the user.
The conditions in a swimming pool are determined by:
1. the amount of UV radiation produced by the sun,
2. the amount of pool chemicals in the water (e. g., chlorine),
3. the chemical
parameters of water: pH value (potentia Hydrogenii, “hydrogen power”), calcium
hardness (CH), total alkalinity (TA),
4. the temperature of the water in the pool (with the cover on),
5. the heat generated in the cover without the cover resting on the pool,
6. the combination of the above factors.