Artikel 75998 - Stand: 29.10.2008
General Information
1. Voltage: DC 12Volt +/- 3Volt
2. The motorcycle has to run idle in order to start the engine.
The control unit has to be positioned in a damp-proof place of the
motorcycle because the device is not water-proof
The control unit must not be thrown or exposed to moisture.
Functional description:
Audio-Optic Alarm:
and the signal horn rings out once,
the blinker flashes, after 3 sec the alarm is activated.
and the horn rings twice the blinker flashes twice
indicating that the system is disarmed.
Shaking- Alarm:
if the alarm system is activated and the motorcycle
starts shaking, the blinker flashes and the horn warns.
If the shaking happens again in 5 sec, the immobilizer is activated and
the engine cannot be started, the blinker flashes and the horn rings.
Motorcycle searching:
If the system is activated, press
and an alarm is triggered, so that you can find out the location of your
Silent Alarm:
By pressing the
button you activate the silent alarm.
In case the motorcycle is shaken a short acoustical signal is given
followed by an optical warning issued by the blinker.
It is only for motorcycles equipped with a negative switching
emergency switch. Because this function is optional, one can let it disconnected
by motorcycles with positive switching emergency switch or by rollers. For the
immobilizer the grey and the pink cables are assigned.
Remote start:
, the engine starts automatically. In case the engine
does not run, just push again the button. The starting motor is activated as long
you press the button of the remote control. (It does not function if the motorcycle
battery is too weak or empty.)
Switching off the engine:
Just press
for turning off and the engine shuts
Anti Hijacking:
In case your motorcycle is stolen while the machine is running,
just press
the engine stops immediately, the horn rings permanently and the
blinker flashes. (This function is only ensured, if the motorcycle is started via
remote control or if the immobilizer (grey / pink cables) is connected.
Adjusting the sensitivity:
In case the sensitivity is set too low, sever the green
cable. (see the illustrations)
Setting sensitivity via remote control:
buttons (depending on the model year) of the remote control simultaneously,
the blinker flashes quickly three times, indicating that sensitivity can be adjusted
via remote control. Briefly press
only once and the shock sensitivity
changes. The degree of sensitivity is indicated via blinker. There are four
sensitivity levels that can be set. After setting, press
and you quit the set
level. (1x blinking insensitive, 4x blinking very sensitive).