© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Seite 18
16. Some brake pads contain asbestos. Asbestosis, a chronic lung inflammation, can
result from prolonged inhalation of asbestos particles. Accordingly, wear appropri-
ate ANSI approved respiratory devices and proper protective clothing when working
near any brake pads.
17. Always keep brake fluid form contacting the vehicle’s paint finish. Brake fluid will
damage the paint finish on vehicles.
The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction man-
ual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be un-
der-stood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot
be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.
When unpacking, check to make sure the following parts are included. If any parts
are missing or broken, please call Harbor Freight Tools at the number on the cover of
this manual as soon as possible.
Place vehicle on a hoist or on secure vehicle stands in a well ventilated area.
Set vehicle emergency brake and turn engine off.
Remove the wheels and locate the drain connection on the brake cylinders. Refer
to the vehicle manufacturer’s maintenance manual for their location.
Turn on the air compressor (not supplied) and place its hose next to the Brake Fluid
Exchanger (The air compressor should have a moisture filter installed on it. See
illustration on the next page)