Editing Voices
Each Voice can be edited to your taste when you
are in the Voice mode. Parameters such as reverb
type and amount can be adjusted. When you make
changes these will be kept in the memory of the
Symphony Grand II until you change them or if you
reset the Piano back to factory settings.
To enter the Edit Mode:
1. Press the VOICE button.
2. Select the Voice you want to edit
3. Select the Edit tab with the F5 button
4. Depending on the type of voice you will see up
to 4 tabs at the bottom of the screen, which
are accessed by the Function buttons below
the screen. See the list below to review the edit
5. To Exit the Edit mode, press the F5 Exit button.
Voice Effect types and parameters:
F1 – Chorus
• Chorus Type: Presets
• Chorus Level: Amount of effect
• Chorus Depth: Intensity of effect
F2 – ModFX
There are two types of effects. Most have
these parameters:
• ModFX Type: Presets
• ModFX Depth: Amount of modulation
• ModFX Rate: Rate of modulation
• Overdrive: Distortion
When the ModFX type is set to "Rotary," the
Depth and Rate parameters are changed to:
• Rotary Speed: This selects the speed of the
rotating speaker effect. the default is "Pedal,"
where the speed is controlled by the sustain
pedal. Pressing the pedal down accelerates
to fast speed. This parameter can also be set
to "Slow" or "Fast."
F3 – Reverb
• Reverb Type: Presets and room types
• Reverb Level: Mix amount
• Decay Time: Length of reverb
F4 – Volume and Piano FX (on Pianos Only)
• Voice Volume: Master volume for that voice
• Sustain Pedal Noise: Volume of noise when
you press down the sustain pedal
• Sustain Layer FX: When you press down the
sustain pedal to lift the damper, this is how
much of the open strings you will hear
• Key Release Noise: The volume of the sound
when you release a key