8. If signal bounce occurs in rugged terrain, go to a
high altitude
such as a ridge. Turn the receiver
and take several readings from
positions. The point where 2 or more signals
is where your dog is located. This method is called TRIANGULATION.
9. Screw the cap onto the battery holder in a clockwise direction. Note that a black O-ring has been
fitted to the inside of the cap for sealing purposes. Contact us for a new O-ring if it frays,
stretches, is lost.
10. To stop the transmitter,
put the taped magnet in the recess between collar and transmitter.
Or remove the battery.
Use your receiver to check that the radio signal has stopped.
11. During storage,
keep each battery in a separate envelope
. If 2 batteries touch, power will
drain. Batteries can be kept in a refrigerator for longer freshness.
Also, store the collar in a
cool place
(not cold).
12. Keep another magnet on hand for battery conservation. Magnets are easily lost in the field and
can be difficult to purchase elsewhere.
13. To change a broken antenna, unscrew the old one by turning its base LEFT, insert the new one
and tighten down with RIGHT turns. Use cable ties near the antenna base and farther up if
14. Change a torn collar using a Phillips screwdriver to remove the 4 holding screws. Match the new
collar's holes with the transmitter plate's holes. Insert screws and tighten the new collar to the
plate. New collars with already made holes are available from Wildlife Materials International.
15. Store each battery in a
envelope/container in refrigerator.
YEAR Warranty on Parts and Labor in
as of 1/1/97
Refunds and exchanges are available during our 15-day trial period. Equipment should not have been
worn by dog and must be returned in like-new condition.
Wildlife Materials International, Inc.
1202 Walnut Street Murphysboro, IL 62966 USA
Phone: 1-800-842-4537
FAX: 618-687-3539
34 Years Serving Dog Owners