Hand Held Thermometer
2079988.1 09/2011 GB/D
WIKA Operating Instructions CTH6500
2.1.3 Difference temperature activated/de-activated [Lin2]
(only 2-channel instruments)
To display the temperature differential press [ENTER/MENUE].
Use the up and down keys [▲▼] to select Lin2. Press [ENTER/
MENUE] again. On the right corner of the display appears a
T1-T2. Use the up and down keys [▲▼] to adjust the requested
selection. Press [ENTER/MENUE] to confirm. Press [ESC] to
return to the measuring mode.
Both channel have to be activated for showing the
difference temperature.
2.1.4 Calibration function [CAL]
Despite high quality manufacturing techniques, each probe is
slightly different from specified standards. To eliminate inaccura-
cies caused by exchanging or ageing of probes, the instrument
offer easy calibration functions which guarantee that the system
accuracy is always as good as if the insturment was specifically
calibrated to the indivialual probes in our laboratory.
The instruments offer three calibration options:
1) [OFF]: Standard characteristic curve (e.g. Pt100-resistance
according DIN IEC 60 751.
2) [OP1]: Calibration by code (2 x four digit code) is equivalent to
a 2-point calibration. The code is marked clearly by a label on
each standard probe.
3) [OP2]: Calibration by physical standard references (1-point,
2-point or 3-point calibration)
CAL = calibration
Press [ENTER/MENUE] to calibrate the instrument with a sensor.
Use the up and down keys [▲▼] to select CAL. Press [ENTER/
MENUE] again. On the left corner of the display appears s small 1,
which indicates the selected channel. To change the channel use
the up and down keys [▲▼]. Press [ENTER/MENUE] to confirm.
Unit Prob
CAL PrEn Chnl ArEA Lo6