ezWAVE Cards Users’ Guide
Version 1.6
Copyright© Widelink 2000
DOC – 2001.02.01
Page 17 of 36
3.1.2 PC Card (PCMCIA) Network Configuration
If you have completed PC card installation, insert the PC card. If
you PC detects the PC card, you can find glittering LED and PC
sound. Also you will see the PC card icon on the right bottom of
your screen.
When you install Widelink’s wireless LAN card, all the setup
process runs automatically. If you reinstall the install program, it asks the positions of
“ezWAVE.inf” and cw10sys.
Then you should select same as the below:
File name
And then the install program asks whether you want to reboot your computer.
At this
point you should select “No” in order to complete the installation correctly.
Click on
My Computer
icon. Select the Device manager and network adaptors. If you
find yellow (?) sign on the adaptor, it indicates that the installation is not successful.
Select the adaptor and click on Remove. Restart your computer after uninstalling the
driver to make the change effective.
Click on the Network Neighborhood and select properties from the pop-up menu. The
network box appears and you see three main tabs; Configuration, Identification, Access
Click on the configuration tab and then click on add button. Select network component
type box appears. Click on the protocol then click the add button.
Select network protocol box. From the list of manufactures, click on Microsoft. From the
list of network protocols, select NetBEUI and click OK.
The NetBEUI protocol is now installed. After click on OK, return back to Network
Component Type box.
Repeat this protocol add procedure to add IPX/SPX protocol and TCP/IP protocol.