Do you have a “B” wire?
Labeling the “B” wire can be tricky. It could be labeled as “C” or “O/B” depending on whether you have an “O” wire
connected to your old thermostat. Please pay attention and follow the asterisk (*) comments below while labeling it.
* Label “B” as “C” only if the old thermostat also had a wire in the “O” terminal block. If there was no wire in the “O”
terminal block, label the wire as “O/B”
** On heat pump systems with separate W2 and E wires, label both wires W/E (2 wires on one terminal)
3.4 Identify jumper wire
For terminal RC and RH:
On your old thermostat, if…
Then, on your new thermostat…
Terminal RC and RH are connected
with a jumper wire
Leave the RC/RH jumper wire in its place
There’s only one R wire (RC, RH, R or R5)
coming out of the wall
Leave the RC/RH jumper wire in its place
Two separate R wires come out of the wall, and
they are NOT connected by a jumper wire
Clip the jumper wire between RC and RH on the
back of the new thermostat