Now that you have your gain staging complete, we can start to prep to connect your headphones.
You will notice on the left side of the MixPre3 there is a headphone jack and to left of that there is
another knob (Figure 8). This other knob is for your headphone volume. I recommend turning the
headphone volume all the way down before you plug your headphones in. When you turn the knob,
you will be able to see the headphone gain level on the LCD screen. Once the headphone gain level
is at zero, plug in your headphones. Now that your headphones are plugged in you can slowly bring
up the headphone level until you are comfortable.
Now you should be set to record on either the SD card or your computer DAW. To record on the SD
card just hit “REC” on the front of the MixPre3
(Figure 9). To record on your DAW, arm the
microphone channel in your DAW to record enable and then hit record. All these DAW controls will
be in your DAW manual if you cannot figure out how to configure this. To stop recording on the SD
card press the square button on the front of the MixPre3. To stop recording in your DAW press the
stop button.
Now that you are done recording, turn the MixPre3 off and you can now safely remove the SD card
or unplug from your computer. If you need help, please let the CFI manager or audio engineer know
and they will be happy to help you! Have fun recording!
(Figure 8)
(Figure 9)