Whirlpool W10142816B Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

Содержание W10142816B

Страница 1: ...of your new RoPER automatic dishwasher PRINTED IN THE U S A 154077501A 965408 15407750 1A ...

Страница 2: ...ion solutionstoproblemsyoucancorrectyourself Pleasefill intheinformationrequestedbelowandsaveforfuturereference ModelNo SerialNo Dateof Purchase Tableof Contents ImportantSafetyinstructions 3 AboutYourDishwasher 4 ForBestResults 5 EnergyandWaterSavingTips 5 LoadingYourDishwasher 6 7 SilverwareBasket 7 OperatingInstructions 8 DetergentDispenser 9 Howto Add a DishDuringa Cvcle 9 CommonDishwashingPro...

Страница 3: ...tainconditions hydrogengas maybuildup ina hotwater systemthat has not been usedfortwo weeks or more HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE To preventpossibleinjuryor damage turn on all hotwater faucetsand allow water to runseveralminutesBEFOREusingyour dishwasher DO NOTsmokeor use anyopenflame nearthe faucetswhile they are open GroundingInstructions Built In Models See the InstallationInstructionsprovidedwith ...

Страница 4: ...rwashtowerandsprayedontothe dishes Soiledwater is pumpedout and replacedwith Cleanwater duringa cycle The numberofwater fillsdependsuponthe cyclebeing used Important PartsandFeatures ofYourDishwasher The modelyou haveselectedmaynot haveallthe featuresshown LOWER SPRAY ARM FLOAT DOOR SPRING e UPPER RACK Front View DOOR PANEL OPTIONAL COLOR PANELS ACCESSPANEL OPTIONAL COLOR PANELS Front View LoWER R...

Страница 5: ...dto itsownseparategrounded circuit It requiresa 15amperefuseor circuitbreakerprotection If thereare otheroutletson thedishwashercircuit do not usethem whilethe machineis operatingor you mayblowthe fuseor tripthe circuitbreaker EnergyandWaterSavingTips 9 Washfullloads Runninga half filleddishwasherusesthe same amountofelectricityand hotwateras a fully loadedmachine 9 Usethe LIGHTWASHfor lightlysoil...

Страница 6: ...e dishes LowerRack l Makesurepot handlesand otheritemsdo not Loadcookiesheets cake pans and otherlarge stoprotationof the lowersprayarmor blockthe itemsat the sides Do not placethemacrossthe centerwashtowerfromextendingupward frontwhere theywill preventwater fromreaching l Itemswithcooked onor dried onfoodsshouldbe the detergentdispenser loadedinthe lowerrackwith soiledsurfaces Placeplates soup bo...

Страница 7: ...temsare heldfirmlyin place touchother itemsduringthe dishwasher s l Loadplastic items inthe upper rack only operation Damagemayoccur SilverwareBasket l Thesilverwarebasketmaybe loadedeitherinthe lowerrackor onthe countertop a Besure no itemsprotrudethroughthe holesin the basketor extendhighenoughto stopthe sprayarm srotation 9 Loadsharpitemswith the pointsdown a Loadsilverwareso itemsare mixedinea...

Страница 8: ...tartcycle Cycles RINSE 1 HOLD OFF RINSE HOLD OFF NORMAL WASH LIGHT WASH RIME L HOLD NORMALWASHcycle For normallysoileddishes Cycle Time Approx 73 Min Water Usage Approx 8 7 Gal LIGHTWASHcycle Forpre rinsedor lightlysoiled dishes Cycle Time Approx 66 Min Water Usage Approx 6 9 Gal W A S H w A S H RINSE81HOLD cycle Forrinsingdishesthatwill be washed later Usethe Air Dry option Do not usedetergent Cy...

Страница 9: ...dish washedand rinsed 4 Close and latchthe door The cyclewill resume 2 Unlatchthedoor to interruptthe cycleandwait for automatically thewater actionto stop Detergent Dispenser Thedetergentdispenserwill automaticallyreleasedetergent at thecorrecttimeinthecycle NORMALWASHcycle Filldetergentcups 1 and 3 thencoverthemby rotatingthe lid counter clockwise Filldetergentcups2 and 4 LIGHTWASHcycle Filldete...

Страница 10: ...atment washload withdetergent infullcycle Certainwaterconditions incombination withsome detergents maytendtodarkenaluminum Scourall surfaces withasoap filled pad Tryanotherdetergent Metalitemstouching orrubbingagainst dishesduring washing Loadsuchitemssotheydonottouch Decoration whichisapplied toglazedsurfaceismost susceptible Consult withmanufacturer Ifnoinformation isavailable asisthecasewithold...

Страница 11: ... Ifyourdishwasher istoremainidleforextended periods oftime dothefollowing InFreezingTemperatures 1 Shutoffwalerandelectrical power 2 Remove theaccess panelanddisconnect thewaterlineonbothsidesoftheinletvalve Allowwatertodrainfrom dishwasher s lines 3 Connect waterlinetovalveandreplace accesspanel 4 Pourone 1 quartofnon toxic propylene glycolanti freeze intotheemptydishwasher InNorma or WarmTempera...

Страница 12: ...n accordancewith instructions found in the product literature This warranty does not apply to any product which has been subjected to alteration misuse improper installation or delivery damage Nor does it apply to costs for any service requested for demonstra tion or to confirm proper operation of appliance 7 Any repair made under the terms of this warranty must be performed by a servicer authoriz...
